1993 School Magazine
Address from the Principal at the Launch of The Friends of Girls' Grammar, Celebration Dinner at the Hilton Hotel, Wednesday, 15 September 1993
)ur craft group of mothers continued to meet during the year leid each Friday at Pullenvale, the group produces a wide ange of attractive craft products. Our first stall was held at chool at Easter when we sold many delightfulIy decorated abbits and delicious arrays of chocolates. Later we held a uccessful stall for Mothers' Day and we are most grateful to 31yn Macphee who opened her lovely home and garden for flat occasion. OUT Mothers' Day fundraising was further sup- orted by a stall at school where both staff and students were Gen customers. Similarly, a later stall at St Lucia was also CPUlar
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Mrs Hancock at the launch of the Friends of Girls' Grammar
Have you ever stopped to consider how unique Girls' Grammar School is in the context of the education of young women? Nearly 120 years ago a visionary, Sir Charles Liney, had a dream to provide the same educational opportunities for girls as for boys. The chief aim of this dream was to allow girls access 10 higher education. Whether it was because he himself had a large family of girls or not is debate able, but he certainly put his dream into action. Through the development of State aided Grammar Schools, his dream became a reality in 1875 when the Girls' Grammar opened as a branch of Brisbane Grammar School. 11 became the first State aided secondary school for girls in Australia and predates the majority of similar schools throughout the western world. Over the years it has developed an enviable reputation as an educational institution and this has been due in no small part to the support of its many Friends. This evening marks the beginning of an exciting development in the life of the school because we are at least giving fomial recognition to the many contemporary Friends who have con- tributed so much support in so many ways throughout the years' The objectives of this new Association will perpetuale much of what already happens. They include the encourage- merit of social, cultural and sporting activities and the estab- lishment of a mutually supportive network of people who will help develop, promote and foster the present and future inter- ests of the school Tonight I want to thank all those who have come to share with us in this unique development. We have representatives from the Board of Trustees, the staff, the student body, both past and present, as well as their parents, past, present and future. We have joined together to celebrate the fact that for over I 18 years the school has provided the opportunity for young women to realise their full potential. Families and indi- viduals here this evening including the family of one of our Head Girls, have histories that span those I 18 years' So we represent this evening a whole life time of experience and memories which we must cherish
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School Day Cake Stall
Fhe craft products made by the group represent imagination, ,kill and energy and I am most thankful to all those who so villingly give of their talents and time. Special thanks go to ,yn Houghton who organised workshops at her home on :raft embroidery and a practical introduction to quilting and latchwork. \10thers' Group held its major fundraiser for the year in July it the SI Lucia Golf Links with a luncheon at which Ms 'amela Bornhorst, the well-known presenter of the ABC's 7.30 Report' was the guest speaker. Painela gave a most ;timulating address and the function was highly enjoyable. viembers of the Group have been active in their support for ichool functions during the year and participated in Open >ay by way of their cake and craft stalls. I was with much pleasure that Mothers' Group was able to 10nate $10,000 to provide two large outdoor umbrellas and jutdoor furniture for the newly landscaped areas. The use nade of the furniture, especially at lunchtime, is most gratifying ;many it is particularly rewarding to see the ready support violhers' Group received from the wider school family There is also the very special interest, assistance and encour- Igement we receive from Mrs Hancock and the school staff throughout the year. On behalf of my 23 committee nembers, who have worked so hard themselves, I say - Thank you
Angela Lawson, President
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