1992 School Magazine
We wei'e quiie u sombi'e gio!ip ninth?g home. We hQdjQiled in owl' mission and would 1701 be bi'inging any poi'k sowsages home to oui'jami'I^^s. We wei'e walking so delect- ed/y, Ihai we Idi/ed 10 nori'ce when we came close 10 Dusseldoij. 11 was only when we o111'ved o1 Ihe squui'e Ihai we slopped suddenly. Then we claned owl' necks and sidled ill astonish meni at Ihe sighi befoi'e us 11 wos d gidnt, pink pig, wedi'!'Jig avidtoi' swnglasses "Hello, yow fool^^h people, " if givered MS. "I urn Cap!din 0111k undldin a Pig/loin Space. Ihuve been waiching you '11/01' sonie lime 11'0m nty spaceshij? ill o1'hii. Now I have come 10 Eru'Ih 10 punish you, 10 piinis/iyoujoi' Ihe hideous ci'jines you hQve penoi'nied oil my species V wos Ihe one who SIo/e you I' pieci'ous poi'k sawsages. I 101'esaw youI' Itaction ond snaregica/Iy planned 101' you 10 find Ihai map off he Block Foiesi so Ihai you would emberI'k on a wild goose, o1' should I say, SUMSoge chdse. " "yes, IPIonned ii, so Ihui you would dll be heI'e logethei. at the end of Ihe huni. In exoc!/y 4 minu!es, 35 seconds eveiy single one of you will dit! Ho, ha, oink, o1nk!" The CJDwd gosped dnd shook mound me Captuin Oink coniinwed. ' "yes, I w!'/I have I'evenge 101' Ihe stowghiei' of my species. I have planned evei'y move, eveiy nightjoi' a yeai: I have pel'sonolly 14'111ed evei'y pig nowgh ill the COMniiy. I have I'eplaced !he mush wiih a special bi'und of gun-POWdei' 11'0m Mai's. My ambition was 101' evei'y pig 10 eo! a 101 of Ihis gun-POWdei'. Then, when Ihey wei'e cinelly stowghtei'ed and PIOcessed info poi'k sausages, Ihe g"ripowdei. would go with Ihem So now, all of you have eoiei? suffi'ciei?! quonii'11^s of Ihe gun-POWdei' which was disguised as poi'k sqwsuge. When Ihejul/ moon lises 111 20 seconds, lis 1'0ys will dciivaie ihe gun-powder inside you. "you ARE WALKING TIME BOMBS. Ho, ha, ha, oink, oink. " The ci. owd huddled in hushed, jelly!td silence. I looked around at the anxiously di. awn, bur jam!'I^^I' IOCes. Beei'- Bash^^' Bi'uno would dre knowing he was silong, towgh, c/evei; bi. aye and choi. ming. Wha! did I have? KABOOM!!!! The explosion was rel. jinc, us Ihe eniii. e pop- Mintion of Gel'many blew up. Foi'innate Iy, I am a vege!o1'1- ,, you DON'T MIND, Do you, GoNz? I'm so excited, 11'ust can't hide ill I'm 801'rig on holidoys - to Ihe kennels. yeah, of we go. Bye-bye, house, hello ken- nets. Woreh how you'I. e di. tvi}18 Mum. you neai. Iy hii Iha! von! A 12moval van moving some one in - I should be he I'e to SMPei'vise ihis - of tel' all, I look allei' Ihis neighbouihood When my mum hQd 11, the kennel lady look rite down 10 my 'hotel room' She deposiied my beanbag in the coi. nei' and left me und mynatmuie 10 get 10 know one anorhei'. I an Zewlan Mooi. (yeai. 9)
IMSI passed away, jerking wiih him Ihe seci. et ingitdreii! he had given his life 10 pelfecting. Now Ihe IQb SIaff wei. e OPPeul^}?g 10 the genei'al pubfic. "Would some 111!elfigeii! ciiiteii please stepjoi. wai'd to help us in Ihis camsii. ophe?" B eel'-BOShi!I' Bi'uno stepped 10}'woi'd. He onno uriced sinugly thai he had dabbled a little 111 food chemistI'y dnd in'lisii'y in school. He cmi'med Ihai file in!'ssing seci'ei Ingit- dreni which would coinpleie Ihe Ho"?bin. g Hambuigei' was obviously glownd poi'k SQMSQges lid! sick as the Idboi'a!o1'y scieiiiisis congiuiuldied 'Ihe geniws' in^d polled him oil the hock. I had atwdys though! Beei. -Bash^^' BIWno was a di. opow!. Howevei; I was d!^- covei'ing Ihat Ihei'e was in o1'e 10 BIWno Ihan meeis Ihe eye, und I was Jealous Some small aleck in Ihe CIOwd eveniudlly I'eofised Ihe catch in Beei. -BOShin' Bi. uno's in^nounceme!it. Showis of 'Missing poi'k sawsoges' , Qnd 'Calch Ihose ci'o0ks dnd chi. ow them Ihe book!' could be heal. d ovei. Hambuig. The I'd/lying SPM'12d us on 101' Ihe next leg of owl'/'owl"ey. SIhce the noi. Ih seemed 10 be d dead end, we M, owld 11. ayei. se the errsl. We I'eached Bel. 1171 !he nex! day. 11 was a heciic city, full Of skysci'apei's andjasi cals. We shuffled to Ihe Bel'fin Holel 101' some 1'<11'eshmenis, and 10 and be hold, the12, dbove Ms. was a woman hanging nom the foul'leenth level bQlcoiiy! "Don't woi. Iy. 1'11 save you!" clied Beei. -Bqshi}?' Bi'uno qnd he PI. oceeded 10 climb Ihe build^^g like Spidei. Man The CIOwd ei'WPIed mro cheei's when he ledched he I' and look heI' in h!^ ai'ms. He hell)ed heI' down Qnd she ki^sed him on Ihe cheek. Then she signed dn awlogi. aph/o1' him. 11 said. "Deai' By uno, you'i'e my F1'ince Choi'ming. Love 11'0m Clawdra Schjff'ei'." While some o11he men leeivd, Beei. -Bash^^' BIWno shuffled nei'you sly, glanced o1'0und uneasily and blushed. I could noi bel^^ve it. Beei. -Bash^^' Bi. uno was not only sirong, intelligent and brave - even if he 11'ied to hide if - he was a nice guy. It was at that po!'nt that I I. editsed I could do one of two things. I could model my life on Beei'-Bashin' BrMno's and 11'y 10 be a 'I'errl man', o1' I could jump. /loin Ihaifoui'teen!h level bolcony. I decided 10 keep 11^ing and Just be myself
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MeIanie Crews Year 11
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