1992 School Magazine


PERSUASION Winner of the Mary Alexis Macmi!Jan Prize (year Eighty Tile ", illdiugs at d single given leaf oiiinI old. gi'ey lite h pulls gen!11, - fini/)ring if 10 ledve lis sd/e honie 71}, ing 10 lieiTMdde if 10 10/11 lis ItISI, exci'1171g lace 10 1/1e cii, I Qin}?IC un(I bdck dgd!'11 lis. 10N, . u, hi\/?eiy niooii is reni/?ling 11. \ it'y. co/dfi!Igei's PIObe tilld cdi'ess Ihe blown sirni Grillly in'is!!'rig 11/10ni lis himIC/I genil),. genily :'Conie willI file - conie willI 171e - Come! Conie! y()11 rimsi! Foi' tryo!I SI^, yo!I will be conie gify like yoi{I' deud moth, 11" "No! No! "Ihe led/pel'SISis "I M, o111(I 10thei' the pedc

First Prize Wi, ,"er, OAT/S Shorl Story Competition

He I' looni din, uys sriielled of' incense. I eiiieitc/ culliiotis/y, squeezing pdsi niemoi'i's (Is Ihitk CIS Ihe SI?10ke Ihui M, ebbed !he all'. She was silli/Ig leddriig d book, us din, trys, 111 d yog0 '05/11bii, bill upside down She M, dsii'I I'err//y I'errchiig - she '01/1dii'I ledd - bur u. ,us niei'el}, hold^^Ig 1/1e book 1111/01/10/he1'1trce. AT Icunie 11/10 he I' 1.1'err - o1. liei' 1700k'. s 1.1ew, - I t o111d Itel one of' liei' squill!ed eyes slidp open. She lowei'cd Ihe book 10 Ihe .qi'o1/11d. As I SIIs/)ecTed, one eyc u, 0\ ginii!'Jig tin!'kly at nie lioni d nullow, shi 111 liei'/dc'e, Illsi lielon, liei' eyebiow, . Tile o1hei' Imjin'lied shMi sec Hidy in one nio\, enjeijishe M, us don, !I. Adj?lined11, , she Mus 1101 us gi'dce/ill ds she used 10 be, 1,111 Ihe dg!'I^^y of' he I' "dis- 1710uni", us I cdlled 11, lie\, ei' foiled. Bark lieni, shc loped dis/'o1/11ed/y o1'ei' 10 nie. Giubbi7ig nil, late ill till old }?113- shd/?eii nulld, she look if close 10 11ci one o17ciieclqr "Oh, " she said, "s' you. " She lei go q/niy. /ate, o11d 3100d buck, minx'jig heI' chill w, 1'1h u sillb she lisecl to cdll d. fillgei' "Whd'(hu wuiii?" "Whu! do lull 11^^Ik? T/Idi 1'1, e conie 101' d SOC'!'d1 1,1311?" She sriii/ed. "No. " I toriiiii!led, "I liefd youI' dd\'ice agdlll ,, She Irkditled Inc willI liei' oneJi c}, e. I lidd e. \I)e('led u q!lit'A Ithi!171 bills/Ie M, trilled to joy, M, 11/1 nje. "Whd'niI s'posed 10 do dboi!I 11? Cull'I go o111side, taii I? T/lei'e'd 17e d wilt'h hwni. And if Ihui 'dp/)endd, yoM'of 17e cdugh/ 100, d. , d w, 11ch-helpei' und ..." She 11'diled off, seei!I. q 1/1e liei\'oils looks I M, us cdSii'Jig dioi{lid. She begini 10 n, free. e, 1'111e!Id- 1'11g 10 Idwgh. I gu\, e liei' nry, s!ei'!i'si look "yo!!'I'e 111^ing 1011'ghieii nie dgdi'!I, M), lid. THEY jolt/11\ Ihdi wilt'/I hillii. s doll'iIronpeii d!I}, nioi'e, "I. ,trid dii. gill\.. She HidS 1111COll('el'!led "yoM dln, uys 17efie\, e THEM, un(/ 1101 nie, don't'hd? HUH, do'yd know? you lievei' go I'celln'dl Pornite. THEY M, o11'1 d//ow 11. Why 1101? T'keep yoii ill 11/03e t!Ib!cle. s. Noi like nie. Flee's a bi7'd, I uru. " "A bi}d?" "Ahh, .see, (/o know dI'M, Ihihgs, I flu. Alli'! lievei' done init leiii hitioiy ? ' A1, eii'! he diff'I, 171^'of. \ ? " I shook niy liedd. She M, ds Jumbling dgui'/I. 811'of. \ u, ei'e niyi/1010gi'(dl citdiiiits rhoiighi 11/7 17^ tint'!'eiii ... well, one of rhose d!ICieiii c M/rules. "Me o1(/ gifui-gi'fur-girdi-giuii M, us ai'ownd M, hell Ihe jusi bi7'ds 11/7 '11 <1^^d. Yedh, 1/1d!', n, hell ev'I'yihih' skilled goiii' Mong. Wheii 111,111 bii'of. , thed, 1/1e M, !'IC/I nullis begQ!I, dii' 1/1ey silll goes o11. So \, o11 see, call'I go owl, cd!I 12" I sd! o11 one of' Ihe Ihiiig\ she culled chin^'s. 7/1ey wei'e Idiieitd old I'errc's. I'd ledclfiboiti "Whdi M'11" ?" "/ If('koii 1/1eit'. s .sonic/hillg $11uiige ,goi'jig oil, d/Id I '10/1'! I^^, 11. "

MCIoi'IU MMI/ei' 9 Hii'sc/!/'e/d


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