1992 School Magazine
GERMAN CAMP If you have ever wondered what Mr Miles looks like in a suit made of alfoil and cardboard, you only have to look at the video of the MLTAQ Gelman Camp of 1992. This was just one of the niany amazing incidents which occurred on that particulai' weekend. We were faced with the daunting prospect of being made to speak German to other Australian Students for more than forty-eight hours. We also ale typical German food SIIch as sausage, sauerkraut. rye bi'ead and apple sauce - everything except Black Forest Tone and beer!
French video clips, folk dances and petanqLie. a style of bowls.
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Saturday afternoon gave us an opportunity to piactise oLii' language skills with French native speakei's, includino OUT own Mine DLiff. Perhaps as a reward foi' oui' genuine effort we had tile best nieal that night and 111e finishing touch was the patissei'Ie dessert Undoubtedly the 11ighlighi of the weekend was the presen- tation of our tileatrical pieces o11 Saturday evenin, ,. Each group had PI'actised 111'elessly since Salui'day mori}ing and oui' sense of compeliiioii made the conceit all eveiit 10 remember. Gi'oups piesenied scenes. songs and even dances froni the11' group's 11aiional cullui'e. Of course all pel'formances wei'e given in F1'ench. Everything from Ihe gods of ancient Gleece to flamenco dancing from Portugal graced the stage amidsi wild applause.
Mr \Iiles in his alloil suit
in a nianner that would put any poor, unsuspecting GelTnaii to shaine (most likely out of sneer embarrassment) we danced the chicken dance, and some nioi'e traditional dances. Most of oui. time was speni preparing foi' the con- cert which look place on the Saturday night. While Mi. Miles slicky-taped together ITis alfoil suit. <10nned Ills Hashing bowlie and walltiecl Lip his singing voice. the SIu- dents presentecl the 11' lienTs willI the coiniiion tileine of "Maerclien" (fail}, tales) Although Gel'mall Camp was 1101 as good lis a I'Gal 11'ip to Gel'inariy. it \".'as cellaiiily a y o u-h a\, e-10-do-it-o11ce-in- your lifetime expel'IenceI 011 the allei'noon of F1'iday. 22n(I May. fourteen Git!in mai' girls Inade incli' way by cal' anti bus to Camp Wari'awee at Peli'ie. Tilts Liesiinaiioii. once tiesci'Ibecl as "111e most PI'jini- live place in QLieensltind". was Ihe Linlikely seijiiig for 111e Allitiiice Francaise Frencli Cainp. While we settled in10 0Lii' peaceful s ui'1'11 undings along \\, jin illmo xi one ITUndreci o1her SIudenis. aui' teacliei\ PIOmpily foi'got 110\\ 10 speak EITglisli. TITi'Duglioui tile soloui'11 into F1'ench lei'litoi'y we speni a gi'eat deal of time willI oui' national gi'oups. The ten gi'oups. \vlio shale(I 111e warsiiiiig LIP anti oilier duties as well as foi'1111ng competitive tennis. wei'e name(I artei' ICn counti'Ies in the EUi'opetin Coiniiiuiiiiy. 111 111ese groups \\, e pailicipaiecl in a vallety o1 ticiivilie}; 111cluding 9111/1es. songs anti competitions. we \\, ei'e InIToduced 1101 only 10 dispuies ithoui \, o11eyball collduciecl eiiiii'ely ill FIGncli but FRENCH CAMP
The prizewinners desei've a special liteniion because of the Graininai' girls who coniribuied. Fii'SI place went 10 the F1'eiich gi'oup willI a gi'Gal I'endiiioii by Esiher Ienkins of Mick Dundee in the Revolution. in second place was Spain. whose version of "Garnien" became a coinic death scene featui'ing 10 Sing its the abandoned fiancee and Hilai'y We SIon lis inc bull who caLised it all and said so Gleni Britain look out Ihirc! prize with "Cinclerella" star- ling Melody tic Lain and Fellciiy Yales as the 1101y sisters WillI jilts climax to 111e camp we letui'neti 10 Bi'ishane o11 Sunday afternoon naving contribute(I 1101 only 10 the filendly allnosphei'e but also to the spii'lied and Lintii'ing offo11 10 SPCak FIGncli.
10 Sino
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