1992 School Magazine
As gills. we tire of coui'se Interested in AListraliaii boys. 11 might be the most impol'tant obsei'vatioii foi' us. Generally speaking. Austinlian teenagers seenT to be goocl at appi'oaching someoiie of ille opposite sex. in Japan. boys ale ver>, talkative \\, hell they are willI o1hei' boys, bui wheii willI gii'is. they become niucli quietei'. They don't like 10 be teased by the o111ei' boys foi' speaking to a gill. 11 is consid- erecl impolite 10 touch. kiss o1' enibi'ace someone ill public in Japan. 11 Is even unusual to I' boys and girls 10 hold hands. AUSii'allaii boys seem to be 1110re out-going than Japanese boys' Finally we \You 1<1 like 10 thank the Grainniai' Staff. ,, Irls and of course. oui' host families. We are naving a great 11/11e liei'e. anti we will 1101 forget 111is \\, ondelftil experience willI you.
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J;, panese EXchange students willI Mrs La/ai'
THE FIRST FIVE MONTHS AT B. G. G. S. We ale enjoying being ill the Bi'is balle Girls' Gi'animal' School. 11 is evident fi'Qin our short lime heI'e that 11Tis school has a vei'y 111gli academic standai'd. and illat the SIu- dents ale filendly anti fun-loving. Howevei' we nave found that we spend less 11/11e in school heI'e than we CIO 111 Japan. but it gives us mole tinic to enjoy tile Queensland lifesiyle. WITeii we fii'51 came liei'e. we to urici 50/11e vei'y cliffei'eni CUSIoins. and we didn't know what 10 CIO in CGI'lain situa- lions. Foi' example. gills sit ci'OSs-legged o11 the gi'ound. 11 Is noriiial heI'e. but in Japan if you do Inai. Ihe boys will not ICspeci you. its Japanese gills are expected 10 be lady- like. Also people heI'e blow the 11' nose in public. whicli is vei'y Impoliie in Japan Something we lintl timer'eni fi'Qin oui' couiiii\, is the balli anti showei'. 111 Japan. 1110si 110uses nave a sepal'ale balli anti showei'. Usually we lake a ballT foi' about 11alf till 110ui Oui' ballis ill'e \, ei'y deep and 1101. Tile 1101 warier collies ovei' oui' should GIS and we can really I'elax naving a bath. SoilTelintc!\ we even tall asleep! Btii 11.1'c in AUSii'tilia peo- PIe IWCly 11th, e it balli: 110riiially Ihey only' navc a showei' willcli Is \, ei'y quick. A1 111xi 11 was VCI\' till'11culi to nave ;I quick silowei'. lapillicsc. especially jeeringc 2111s like 11\. 10\'e fun'1112 1110/1u. 1101 balli. we jilts;* onI' bath \() 111Licli! Scliool is 11/11ci'CHI lot). 111 1,111!n. List^nil}. a class consist\ tit' toll}' 10 lull\-11\c xiLi(leiii\. iru(I CVCI'yonc docs Ihc sinnc subjcci\. c\CCPi All ;1114111,111h. Wlicii \\, c illsi uniiic lieic \\C IOU!xi tilt c1:1st\ Milall collip;lid1 \\'1111 1:11Xiiic\C 011c\ Wc ills0 1011/1LI A I'll';1111/11 \indents 1,111'11,111"IC 1111/1'e in clu \\ discu\Him^. 111 Jiip"11 111;111\' 111.1 \chuol\ do 11.1 11:1\ c :I libi'1111/1/1.1111t1 111c libi'"I'\' (IOC\ 1101 111;I} \ucli " 111.1111/1 ill \cli0!)I 111c. 11 (1111)' o11ciis 101'11 \11.11 11/11c c;1.11 tiny. '11/11 \'!ILi 11n\'c lit bc \11,111 \\'1111c \'o11 ill'c 111.1'c. 1'111\ \'11/101 1111\ \ucli :I 111cc big libiin'\
Sagiri Fukayti 120 Kithori Hoiiimti I I E ETika Yaitiauclii I I W Hiromi Satoh 11E
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Rehccca Ciinopli". Head Gill 1991. innck rn\\ . righti un F\change in .lapan
Tillink yoLi \ ci}, 111ucli 101' your kindness. We lint1 11 vei'y gout1 11/11e liei'c. WITcii \\, e urine liei'c. we wei'e \, ei'y jinx- lolls ithoLii 111c <11Hci'enl kingu;19c anti lire. but 110si 1111/1/1ie\ juju gills \\. ei'e \\.;11'11i anti killt1 10 Lis. \VC wei'c encotii'aged by Iheii' \\ "1'111ih. \\'c \\. ci'c \, ci\, napp}, Ihal yoLi said 'Hc11()" 10 us lintl "See you" \\, 1111 mille;, PCI. I Kcii!TCU}-^o0k Lis till c\cui'\lolls c\'ci'y Niondity 10 1111ci'c\ling niticc\ \11.11 its No. \". Soulli Bank. the Culltii\11 Cciiii'c. 1.0nc 1'111c 1111t1 111c Ekkn. \\'c \in\' 111,111\' things rind \\c 11,111 111,111' \, ci\ 1111ci"11/1L! c\pel'ICncc\. we \\ci'e \UV in 1111'c\\CLI by' 111,111 L-
T'11:11ik \ o11 10 1111 IC;tclici'\. host 1,111,111c\ illTcl I'Ticiids. W^ \\'ci'c \*ci'\' 1:1:1\I 10 Inc. I \'!ill.
A1 1110\I \'11/1/11. \ 111 Jailuii. vuLi ill'c 11.1 11/10. \'c
Rilli On Nil Kvok:\ Musud;I YL!kikti Naniii YLikic Kuniok;I Milli Kob;I>,'15/11 Titk"ko Souli Miwti Havakaw;I ,
,'\11,111ci' <1/11ci'ciicc I\ 11/11/'10i'I. \Vlicii \\'c c;Iu. 111 " 1111\ 11.1'c101'111c 111,111nc. \\'c \\ci'c \'ci'\ '11/1/1\ctlii!111c \\'u\ 111 nil}'ills 111C title. \\.'c bou. 111 11 lickci mill 2:11 milo 111c 11th. 1111tl \\c \1111 1110Li:!111 \\c hiki 10 silo\\ 111c lickci 11:11^111. BLii no-one clieckct1 11 \\-hcii \\'c 201 o1'11 Stillic \\'1111 inc 11';11n. 110-o11e clieck\ \'oui lickci. wikii 11 peace1'111 CLIunii'\'I
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