1992 School Magazine
have been associated with and have beeit affected by in various ways! My mind seemed to be weighed down by the weight of all these memories. At the sanie time, how- ever, I was aware of how my new experiences would be precious memories in my future, and I began looking for- ward to my adventure
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Sanrah navidson acquiring a taste for green tea Our nost families were very kind people, who helped us polisli oui' language skills, soon learnt what Japanese foods we could and couldn'I eat. taught us about Japanese eii- quelle and were always intrigued by the corresponding Australian customs. They introduced us 10 their Christmas and New Year Traditions, the foimei' involving a great deal of cream cake alld commercial ity, but the latter being a very important I'GIIgious event. Many girls were also given by, the 11' nost families 111e chance to see some famous Japanese landmarks, such as the giant Buddha at Nara, the Heian Shrine at Kyoto. and the Grand Shrine at ise Coming nome, most of us. allliougli glad to relui'n 10 0ui AUSti'aliaii families and fi'iends. fell a I'Gal regi'ei in leaving tile host families and school friends we 11ad grown close to over six weeks. Many of us ale eager 10 I'evisii Japan. as exchanging was a vei'y positive expel'ience. in Ierins of new sights and sounds, in lei'Ills of language skills. and 1110st of all. in telliis of 11'iendship
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A traditional-looking Sagiri \vilh Michelle Andcrson TITe next day I arrived at Brisbane Aimori at 8 am. I got off the plane. took a deep breatli and looked up into tile sky. a vast. infinite and bi'illiant sky. This Inaoically calmed my jestless mind. I remember when I came to Australia with iny friends for the first time, we wei'e amazed at 111e breathtaking beauty of the sky and the sun- set over tile river. In this environment, 110ubles in one's mind seem trivial. I wonder to what degree environment plays an important pal'I in innLiencing national charactei' and culture. I believe tlTat Australians too often take their environment for' granted. 11 appears to me that AUSti'a!ians are generally very generous compared to the Japanese. The signi of tile sky in Japan Is always partially obstructed by lopogi'apliy, therefoi'e the living space seems so limited. in sucli 11n envii'onineni. the Japanese tend to deliglii in be au- ties o1' natui'e such as flowers, Ilees alld wealhei' panel'ns wliicli change the 11' appeal'an CG willI the various seasons Tile Japanese landscape ci'eates a delicate. innei' and sub- jeciivc world. Allhouoli I love both envii'oninenis. I now have a greatei' appleciaiion of the Australian anIbience As I adjust lily!, eli' 10 AListi'allaii life. "Culture Shock" has 11i1 111e quitlually. Customs. the way of life and food ale vei'y diffei'eiii fi. onI those of the Japanese. Tilese aspects of Australia ale in sucli conti'ast that I enjoy dai'inn 10 be dif- rel'eni. I still coulcl nevei' become accustomed, nowevei', 10 blowing my 110se in public. in Japan this would be I'egai'd- ed lis very I'ude! in my daily life when I see people expi'essing the 11' opinions openly in a self-arseriive way, I anI surprised and sometimes feel frightened. especially in the case of women. F1'Din 111e Japanese point of view it seems 10 me that Australians. and most Western people.
Ingi'Id Hadgi. afi. Yeai. 12
0112 API'i192,20:20. I boai'deci a Qanitis F1ighi 1'1'o111 Nagoya. I was quite excited 10 be independent of evei'y- Ihiiig. looking clown ill lights o1' cities whicli seemc(I 10 be left in tile dai'kness. Dui'ing tile nine and a 11alf 110ui' Hiulii vari'IOUs feelings itIn Ihi'ougli niy mind anti I niti'dly slept At about 3 a. in. I started dreaiiiinu, liftlf conscious. in Ihat dieain I was lookiiig back o11 my past 18 yeai's. Tliousands of inemoi'Ies seemed to comprise what I tnn now. With 1110se deep 111emories I I'ecogni/ed now inTPOi'talli many expel'Iences 11nd been to Ine. how many people anti Ihin:!s I
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