1992 School Magazine

Individu al Age and ovei. all Inter house Athletics Champion. 11 is not only the winners who need to be applatided, but all pailicipants in House activities, for without them, a competition would not take place. Also, thanks must go to the relay teams for theii' fine efforts and to oui' Sports Captain Stephaiiie Frew, who painstakingly organized the participants in both the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals in 111e interhouse Debating Competition, 111e debaters, 10 Starkey (Year 9), Andl'ea Humplii'eys (Year 8) and leadei. Emma Robinsoii (Year 12), perfoi'Ined well and are 10 con- gi'atulaied. Mole brilliant pelfoiinances wei'e achieved by 1110se participating in the Intel'110use Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics Competitions. Undei' the watchful eye of Sal'ah Davidson (Yeai' 12), the Allisiic gii'Is sui'ged 10 vic- lory, while the Rhythmic girls were placed a commendable fourth. Not only did Woolcock succeed in the spoi'ling arena. but they were able to iaise four hundi'ed and 1111'ee dollars and seventy cents to donate to the Caravan Pal'k Play Scheme as pail of the "Save the Cliildreii Fund" Thank you to all the girls WITo devoted the 11' lime and effort to raise money foi'111ese \\, o11hy PIOjects froiiT activi- ties conducted within the 11' hoLise gi'oup. Woolcock's phenoliienal success can be acci'edited to many people. TITanks must go to oui' devoted Head of House, Miss Del'Tington, foi' liel' astounding dedication, support, and inucli needed o1'ganisational skills. I In usI also thank Genevieve Dee, oui' devoted Vice Capiain, the Woolcock Staff and rest of Ihe Yeai' Twelves for' theii' tinie, effort and unfailing suppoi'I. Most importantly, I would like 10 thank the Grilli'e Woolcock House, fol' the 11 sheei' spii'it, exubei'allce, und fighiing tietei'nilnatioii. Best of luck 10 Woolcock next yeai', and the Year Twelves wislT yoti evei'y success in the ftill11'e

WOOLCOCK HOUSE 1992 saw a new Mascot foi' Woolcock, Woodstock the Woolcock Warrior. OUT Motto, "The SPITii of Achievement", PIOved to the Test of the school that Woolcock is tile house which GPitomises unity and spirit, as well as success. TITe House BBQ certainly emphasised this fact. A terrific afternoon has had by all, with the "exubei'ant" Beth Williams from Year 11 winning the inaugural Miss Woolcock Pageant. The success of the House BBQ indeed paved Woolcock's way to a fantastic yeai' A1 the Internouse Swimming Cal'nival, Woolcock litei'ally made waves in the pool, snatching all three IIOPhies (Individual, Relays and Overall Cups) with the help of our talent and sheei' delei'mination. Special niention 111ust be made of Vanessa Lohrisch (17 years), Fiona Innes (17 yeai. s), Jackie Grimths (16 years) and Connne Butler (13 years) who all put in a remarkable effoi't to achieve places in theii^'espective Individual Age Championships. Jackie Grimths, who also won the Open 50 meti. es Freestyle, is to be especially congratulated. A 101 of full was also had by those involved in the Interhouse Dialna and Choii', and both perforinances wei'e of a high standai'd. Thanks must o0 to Beth Watson who organised 111e Woolcock play, and to Me Iinda Backlund who co-dii'ected, and Sal'ah Broughton and F10na Greer wholiandled the Choii. Once again, Woolcock PI'oved theii' dominance ill the Internouse Athletics by convincingIy winning all 1111'ee 11'0- phies as willI 111e Swimming. Congi'atulaiions to tlie fol- lowing girls who all acliieved fiist placings o11 111e clay: Stephanie Flew (Year 12), Kathryn SIoaiie (Yeai' 11). Jackie CTiffiilis (Yeai' 11), Ann Zillmaii (Yeai' 11). Zoe Beel' (Yea^ 10), Sally Slitz (Yem' 10), Fiontt Woolcock (Yeai' 10). Emily French (Year 10), Stephanie Dee (Yeai' 9), Annabelle Homer (Year 9) and Sophie Pearson (Yeai' 8). Zoe Beer deserves special mention for winning liei.

lulle O'SUIlivaii (House Captain)

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