1990 School Magazine

body, Mus 111 I)trill. 717 looked or 1/1e mill di'ons o11 1/1e 11, Inchc!'eeli. 7/1eJ, wei'e 10/1^Jig (/Qini lion, . HeI' 111hei'lulliped


0111 41/1e cn!' orid didgge(/Ifiso!I owl. "Gel owl Qinie cn!' 711 113 o1/11'e. "

Scene I

'41/7e/1,111d Heijij, die sinnig o11 incl)ink bell('/11

TV' $1,111e(/. it's. I coll see 1/1e cm' Is o11 11'e. Bur 1'171 quiie ( on libitdble 11, heI'eI run. Ranie!?Ibei'. Ih(Iveio go 10 heni, e/I so I Lull coilno/ Ihe 11, diei' un Ihei'e? 7/5/1111e!'dinggerU, 1,011 dimJyioi?liftecwm?dlull barkiogei 711 He hone(/ thatche twit, ou/of!17 evilodc hey"o1'e begoii/lei'e. Peoj)/e/i0!?I 1/1e o1/1ei' ('ni' htrditi!I o111, '10/1c'king 1011, . He It111 10 her. SIT/e, Junki7igihe do o1. oneii. Herook ho/(/ q/he!. hd!IdinId diffggedhe!'owl. HIS' hniid begd!I 10 becoi?Ie. sri, coll, figm'/I$1he!:\ She ling Jimki!Ig110 of o17 10 lull $0 lie htru/e(/ heI' or'10s\ 1/1e g!o1/11(/. He offchill/rink she I'ds us hear^ (Is Ihi'.,. unroll 11,101ig 11'171i lie!'.? She 17/11si be 1111coii. scion. s. 45 he }'err('heof I'Soii. lie 1/1/71edio. ,eel/Ie ni, o cdi*' eit{/)1/1/10 lionu7ig. ^end!71g. /Iru?Ies' d/Id .y)diks even, n, /leiv. Ljghiiii'Jig/mshed. He ITQ. \ .sty'e. Jusoii looke(/ I'd^^I, ed bt{I looking doh, 11. In'.\ lite .showe(/ froi70i' 'J(1,011. 11'11ni:\ n, 1'0, Ig. "' he usked It1,011 I)o1/11cd IVC(Ikb, He looke(/ doll, 1110 his hulldn/Id ul/ the co/owl thrilliec//join h!'s Idc'e Co/e Unison 11u. s .'11/1 jig/lily gill/Jing Ihe nth. tilt' hn/Id. .\(Ick atIuched. n, hell 1/1eJ, look him 10 Inc fros/)lint Heldi' Pittzijcj: yedj. 9

4LBERT - ISId!.". cihc(!d) Nonii7ig 10 (/o HENR y - (Amies uhe(itO Non^^Ig 10 inn 4LBERT - 411 n, c tmi (/o I'.\ .w'I HENR Y - find 111,111 ALBERT - null HENRy - ... und .SII

ALBERT - Pm(11 I'*' 1/1e nine Heijij, ? HENRy - 7/1c 11'17ie I\ c/ei, eii o 'clock ALBERT - B!11/11(1/1\ 11, hull, ON .\, 11'(/ till houi' duo HENR y - ye. \. A-ho!. Innii. VCI 11 liti\^/ei, e/I o 'clock 1/1e/I. vonien, /lei'ei'/I 1/17ic. 111'5 elei, an o'clot'k lion, . find 17 11,1'11 be e/, I, e/I o't'/0('k 1/1 '11/01hei' how' ALBERT - ye. \, bur 1/11/71e liei, cj. 5101). s. .\Hitly 11/11e 1711, .y (hullge. Does I'iHe/11'1, .' DoeA lit'hullge' 11ENRY - Doe\. what chmige? 4LBERT - 71'171c! HENR y -- Oh, I(/o11 I Allow. (. Violt pdti. re) 1'171 1111ngij, ALBERT - pithci. I (/jg. \ 11/10 flitpo(kei of'his ^o, 141 111'11. 11, horn, !'11 ^^ bt'.'Ally)/e o1' o1uiioc? HENRy- fini, cJ, o11 o01(11u, hilt tiny ,LBERT - No. ill. \I tr/)/ilcs filld oldiige. \ HENRy - 11,111'11/11g) yoji fiti, c/- han, e hist. tills. IHeiiiy inke\ inc (11)/)/c) IUV1 (!., 11 15' lion'. 7177ic godA' o11 in Id o11, (1/1d litrei' .viol)\. Prt, goi I)chilld find lion, 11'e mr 10. vi

,{*;****.~*\.*,, ,. I


.,,,,. . ^;; ^;;,;;:;; 1' 11'111, ; $1$/\Ii ^j--- \! , *. ^*, I \! ,., ,," , I ;*\ itt' I' A *


(/o17g. .vileJiipQti. \e)



,LBERT - Heijij, . lI, hJ, me 11, e heI. e? HENRY - 1,101i7 knon, . IHei?ij, eats 1/1e tv)/)/<. 1 ALBERT - T/Iui dpi)/e 15 he/'e. findJ, o11 (1)'e errri'!10 Ihe

1:11 'I ,


(11)/)/e. Yo!I coli/(/ 1701 be eating 1/1e rip/)/e 1/1,0u 11, ei'e 1101 hci'e. so 1,011 171usi be heI'e. And ryou mr he!t, j, o11 1,111si be at^^e. bet'nuse you could nor be errri/Ig Ihe dpi)/e ryou lyei'c dand. I'in 1101 eating inI d/)/)/e. so 1/7/1131 be dend. Oh Heijiy? 1'117 1101 fledd. (!,?I I?


, .*

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-- I-,

HENR y - I '10/1 I knoll, . 41'e Joti? ($110i'I. .snellipdu. sty HENRY - (n, I^^^1171g) 1'171 111'e(/. lei:s go! 4LBERT - GOP Go it, her'e? 7/7e!'e\ flowhei'e 10 go/ Oh led/b, . you die so ('hi7(/15/11 HENRy - ((/

.., . J, ,. . * *\:. , I * I I. *':\, ' *;*, -' 11' .;;;.;;; " if*. ,. ,, -*I ,. J . .-, ^.~ . .. ,, ,

$* ^? a. .

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Am anda HUSman, Year 12.

(Long p(ruse. Heniy dozes 1,1117e niloihei' h !{ninii bel'rig pusse$)


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