1990 School Magazine

SHATTERED DREAMS "... Ihdi whirli 11, e d!v. 11'e d!c. 011e eqiin/ lei?1/7ei' q/he101c hcni'I. \

Milde it, errk 171,11/11, rind foie b!11 .$11'011g ill 11'111 To SII'ii, c. 10 .seek. 10 fold inId 1101 10 17^/d. " ~ ,!/itof. Lo!'of Tellin, .$017 1/7/'11 (1)'e Ive? IPI, (lit fold Ihd! M, e Ale Ihe ill0. '11/11e//I^eiiii'rice o11 owl'philiei Bur 111 n, (11'? We me Filial^ InstrwJ?ichi. s, objects In d griniepunsued eiieigei!toffy, bj, o111'leddei:s 7/1ei'I' gd!?Ie inId owl' loss We megi\'e, I rifles of heJoe. , tilld he!o111e. \ rind. A's 11, e ItI"!71 11, e in'e Ife/Collied d. s 1/10se 11. fro Srived A usnullh We co\, e(/ AUSiintrd b!11 Ihe eiiei7ij, myuded o111' souls, ou!' 1711/1d. , oui' 11\, es. o11i' di?in^is. owl' 1710i'nls. owl' M'ishe. \ mien cull we i'eruivi 10 owl' ditm?is? hisland we o1'e locked. d. , rhoi!g/I ill cnge. s. fillo in^/trillmvs. Owl' 1/7/11d. s. lionuied in^h Meinoi'Its of SIe!ich. 17100(/bni/Is. Jimie. s Beloi'e 1/7e Iyoi. 1/1\, ed 1711, life 111 0 b!{bble 1717/1 lis .s}?1001/1. '17/7/1, . I)101ec/ing null of I}?rugi'lidiioii E}INe/o1v'!Ig d// illJ, VCIv!. s. flitnni. \ inId flyM'!'info/is Soilieiii?Ie. , I of is'c'ovc!v(/ .vonieih^^Ig n, /?11'17 Ihitnic/led To buisi 170, bubble inId frill 11 1771/11/11g bark 11/10 Ihc 11,011d oldi'colli. \



"Yoti dliinJ, \' I'll file 1/7/'11 10 do. ' I trolli 10 in, e 17u, 011.1i 111'. BC trb/e 10 .xiJ . '/ din 1717J, lily. ,e!I ' C(1/1 7110/1 ifiidei'. timid Ih(11?" 7/1c oldc!' gill If('cii'CS 1/11'.\ liti. s. '10/1(lit' o1/11)1111\/. Angel' o11(/ I'egi'ci <'0111e. \11'11g nit' I)In('e of I)I', dollii/mill AI)1,111!'e1017/7. \ 111 fin'1711/1d:\ CJ, , 4/1 1'171nge .\ofr-/tic'lis. ref/ 171,111'0 I'm I:\. OffI gill 1/1, .wine cige (I\ hci. .tillbb0!. 11 .\!'. in, I 7/1c ni'o liceA' hm'c '11/1/1m' e. \/)ICY. violi\. 4/1d Ihc 1711'!it/.\ d!if/ ^hdin('lent I^chilld Ihci?I 4!'e boili 1/1dc/)wideiii inId '10/1(/. Bur 10,111 10 ddi?1/1 ei70}' Born I'elec/ coniiniy oninio!i's 01/1'I ^^ IA' 100 furc 10 coll. \!'(/ei Inc^'!. lunch7i, . B!{I o11c o1/11e!11. (/c. yii'!(, Ihi. \ 17thIke!td u/y)!oath. H(I\ n ( hull(.(, off/cm. din/It. , Ruin .voni, o1/11, I\ nay).\Ibi'inc 11/11)!mm'cd Tin, o1(/c! gii. / Icon'.\(, A' flint .\he nil(/ lie!. .\I. viei. in. c 17niti//e/ 1111c. \ 011c slit/('/rillgIMO Teni'.\ dhcrvd o1/11c onin: Noii'lid. vi Ihc I'mTiei'.\. 111,157. \ init/ hrvzu, .(/.\ 1,111c/I 11, c!t^/11/1

Ilong 10 Jarwivi 10 1711, bubble Bur Ileni' if hn. \ trlivndJ, bill:$1 CathJ, Goodwill. yin!. 12

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Heidi Haynes, Year 12


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