1990 School Magazine
FOR FIVE LONG YEARS ... rollve long yem:, we've been a/amity
We've hnd good nines We've shec/ some reins. We've been Ihi\ glow/)
Helet whdi110,111d 171 171y b/nzei'pockei. A'b, lovely, . SIIve!. bill/?(/nj, locker. F1've fledd 11. vswe\ inId one 11. red hnJikie. A it(1141 IVCii'(/ PI"11/1'e o1'171J, he'll'lend. 11niikit. My/;Iyou!.!'Ie perl (, o THAT:s 11, heI. e if n, enjo. My ID. ^in. (/ folds. mrhei. hello, 411 0veithie $111,101' (I libitiiy book. A anxo/)hone ited. d F17?to Chook. Mothi 10siii down of 11 or msi. ,. I stole or flu'. s pile. lulliei' rig/myI. I know I hdd 10 do if. soonei' o1' Intel'. IIShou/d h(Ive h!}edinI excdvrrioi', Ihdie doing inn, ills so flyu/ inId .'10/1, . The. sc'aJy 1/1/71g i's - I've ftpo illoie 10 go! M(11gq!ti Hd(!g'I'(!/i. yeti!. 8
101'1ve long yeuis In live long nani:s We've 10si rrfew We've golfied d/ew 1,710've shined Ihei'i'ledis dbouibeing new 10 Iheglowp
loinve long ye",:s Foi. /ive long yeQi3 We've ledJvied ,I 101
Abou! what's good. dbowi whorls nor 4nd flow 113 lime 10 hem' Ihe cheei' 101' NOM, 11 is Ihe IQsi offve shoi. IJ, ea!:s Emma, riskeJi, it. d, . 12 FAMILY PETS Killeiis ore sindll find. /114, I', PHP/)Ies ale mile Q"d wedk. CIMt'k^ o1'e riny in^of PIt, 51. and hare u filly bink CQiS die CUIe inId Ciiddb, . Dogs are bi^ rind $11'011g. B!'I. ds n, .e sriml/ inIdledIheiy. and wh!^Ile rr// day, long Now they ni. e being hm. med. By Ihe pollu!1011 u, e Jimke. And we should slop 11^^ hai7n!'fig.
TETRIS "Tell'!'s" 17 win' culled Mulching pieces rogerhe!' Qs they c(line down IdSiei' rind/nsiei' Eveii 11, hell I 11 Ihe coni/)uru. I'mjied 11 ill InjJ hend Teiji'. s wQ. s Inn coin/)milon. offIy find 1113'hl
GUI'chiig in^d 1171ei/ei'ing wiih 170, rhoug/?I'dliefv?s Someiime. , 111 lily 1711/1(/. Ihe piece. \ n, owld/;I exticily '01hei'11n7es Ihey would/u1/ 100 quickly, 111 Ihe wrongplrrce, 171tikiiig a mess Crying one flay, . I Iconted Ihui Tell'!'s is 1701 11n' Isnuggle 10 litdke ille PIt{vs/illogeihe, ' If Is Only in inj, Jiniid Ihu1 1/7ey evei' do Dialid Cook, yam' 12
101' Ihe an mints' sQke Kilts!y 412eni. Yed, . 8
11 I ip. .
PAR\DISE Eiicdsed wiihin a dew of lop/ei Buffodiing like d bubble itu lored me 10 gifqiei' heights Where n rosier' froi'!'2011 wrrs born And 110 flowbles of die daw}I This pince lye culled Pmndilye Fo!. whit. h we suci^ced all 7/7e skill of the J, erreiJ, erri' And Ihe jgiioinnce of di\belief Wei. e shed dnd Wei?17 'I to be seen rignin. Fo/' we hnd Ihe gin'n or a creation Inni crime Aunt boih woi. /ds in^d wh!th Consi'sled of the inPMi of the selves Zoe N!'elsei?. yedi. 10
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Emma Haney, Year 12.
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