1990 School Magazine
Yoti 11\ay take our blue sky for granted but all our European visitors were amazed at cloudless blue skies. Also. the size. the beauty and the diversity of our landscape drew excited comments all round Lisa SOSzka. froiTi New York. took time to dispel a few myths about Australia. There is so ITTucli more here than she ITad anticipated: ("Americans have a very narrow- minded view about At1st I'alla. ") Lisa was most apprehensive about weal'ing a unitoi'in, and about being accepted nete. These turned out to be the least of ITer worries as "your schoolwork is about a nundred and fifty percent 11Tore difficult Ihai} my work at nome" Japanese eXchange students face very difficult problems of adjustment. The langtiage bari'Ier is ntore spectacular and life with aiT Australian it OSI family is. in Itself, a minor culture shock On 111e other nand. some of the differences are seen as desirable. Innko Seez-Fujio comments tliat at her school all the students in a House Group have the sample timetable with no freed o11T of choice in subjects. She prefers our systeitT where students can choose subjects they find interesting. and are encouraged to ask questions. in ILinko's school. "the teachers Justgo on with theirteaching: they don't mind if a student can understand or not" Yoko Nakano and Mika Kawaguchi have enjoyed coping with a very different way of life: friends and host families have made all the difference Every year. eXchange students visit Lis from countries WITere the way of life is vastly different from our own. We have much to offer but also quite a lot to learn from the impression we have made
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(L-R): Mika Kawaguchi. Yoko Nakano, Junko Seez-Fujio.
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(L-R): Yumik0 110, Noriko Kaneda.
(LR): Monie Krone, Katrin Reimer, Lisa SOSzka.
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(L-R): Katrin Richter, Bergitta Laterriser, Dorothea Henkel. . - .11 . ., , I 'I 4
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Back Row (L-R): Satomi Aoki. Noriyo Shimaoka, Junko Sekiya. Front Row: Maho Nakata, Yuko Tanoka. Sagiri Fukaya.
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