1990 School Magazine

Mr Dellef SUIzer. the President of the Society for Australian-Geriiiai} Student EXchange. spoke of the opportunities for exchanges to Germany and encouraged Inariy students to take the necessary exam at the University of Queensland. Another guest spoke of Germany's position in the world economy and the importance of Ieai'111ng Gel'ITTall in order to encourage trade The eleven girls who participated enjoyed the camp immenselv and even learned some German

GERMAN CAMP Das Deutsche Camp of 1990 was aitiemorable experience About seventy students froin schools around Queensland all'Ived at Camp Wai'rawee near Peti'Ie on a Friday afternoon. FroiiT 111is point o11 only! Gel'InaiT was spoken! We ate typical Ge rillan food WITich almost everyone found sumi'is Ingly enjoyable The theInes 101' tliis yeai"s camp wei'e 11Te Tennincation of Gel'ITiany anti traditional Gel'mai} festivals. We were o1'ganised into gi'o11ps named after different festivals. for exainple. the Pied Pipei' of Hameliii and the Oberaitiinerga11 Passion Play. WorkiiTg witliiii these gi'oups we designed posters displaying oui'ideas aboutthe problems and advantages of the reuniiicatioi\ of East and West Germany. These posters were explained to the other groups. in German of course On Saturday eveniiTg artei' a busy attel'noon of preparation eacli gi'oup pel'formed a play telling a SIoily of the various festivals. TITe costumes were I'esourceful and the dialogue was 11iglily entei'lainiiTg. TITis was followed by the 1990 Getiiiait Cainp ACadeiny Awards presented by the wildly attired nost. Mr Miles. Mr Miles' slides of East Germany wei'e shown. tilen we sang 11/01'e songs and danced the fillTious Cliickeii Dance! Saturday ITight was cei'lainly unforgettahle We also I\layed volleyball and learned 111edieval Gcrman dances. sang Gel'!nan ti'an SIations of the Beatles and other Geriiiai\ jilts. All auction was Iteld at willch I\OSIers. litagazines and books wei'e bought by students who had avoided lines. Fines wei. e incuri'ed by breaking the cardiiTal rule. that is by speaking English. Although the weekend was Inainly full. students benefited troll\ the short speeches given by the visitors on Saturday afternoon


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Playacting German Style

1990 FRENCH CAMP Lured by the prospect of having ITesli croissants to I' breakfast and chocolate eclairs for artei'noon tea. fifteen Year Eleven and Twelve BOGS. studentsjoiiTed the 1990 Frencli camp. organised by the Alliance Francaise de Bi. Ishane It was a fun-packed weekend in whicli 11tirty different Queensland schools pal. ticipated. After some initial shvness. the motto "SPEAK FRENCH!" was followed witli a fair degree orenthusiasm. No snails on the 111enu - hut do tlie Frencli actually eat the "slippery little suckers" anyway'! However. the 11/01'0uglily French food had a flavour closer to that of "La cantine de I'ecole" 11Tan to Paul Bocuse's three star Testaui. ant From crepe Inaking to video clips and Petanques games. the variety of activities allowed everyone to develop greater confidence as French speakers and nTake linends with sttidents froin other schools. Altliough ITothing will ever dash of replace a tillt to sophisticated Paris. with a jinaginatioit ... France seemed so 11\uch closer!

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FRENCH CAMP Back Row (L-R): I. Mowbray. M. J. Bennett. A. Me Callum. A. Khursandi. P. west. L. Pope. T. Marsh. Front Row: 0. Taylor, Z. Miller. M. Lethbridge. K. Johnston, A. Ling. M. Wood. R. I\Iichele, M. Lewis.


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