1990 School Magazine

tile Centi'e are involved in a Community River Monitoring Project. The river being monitored is the Mary River and its tributaries. of willcli Yabba Creek is one TITe project involves students in the collection of data on the physical aspects of Yabba Creek. witli the results of the tests being stored tiltimately on computer. The computer networking system allows students to share their results witli othei' river monitoring groups and thus over time. allows then\ to build up a picture of the catchment area surroundiitg the Centre. the quality of water and reasons for this. The collection of data and the subsequent interpretation of such involve students in an interdisciplinary approach with subjects such as science. geography. economics. politics. local history and mathematics all being drawn upon. This projectis a wayof At present. the projectis being introduced to the Year Nine Outdoor Education Program with studentslearningto use the nine standai'd tests required to determine water quality. it is anticipated that data will be collected at various sites along Yabba Creek so that students can compare the quality of water at the Centre to that in the township of Imbil Once this data collectioiT of the creek's physical aspects becomes established, students will have become an important link in the nTonitoring of water quality in the Mary River CatchmentArea. The projectis not an isolated activity; in conjunction with other schools in the Mary Valley it is helping to provide an ongoing water quality monitoring service to the local community. Sue and Tnn Lanham ^;^'*:' ... ......... ^^ bringing subject diversity together



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Flood Damage at Alpha State School

ALPHA STATE SCHOOL 111 addition to the books and foodstuffs donated to the Flood ReliefAppeal, a donation of cash was made directly to the Alpha State School which was inundated by approximately 1.8 metres of flood water which caused extensive damage to all rooms and equipment that were on ground level. Once this data collection of the creeks physical aspects becomes established, students will have become an important link in the monitoring of water quality in the Mary River Catchment Area. The projectis not an isolated activity; in conjunction with other schools in the Mary Valley it is helping to provide an ongoing water quality monitoring service to the local community







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Why study the quality of water ill our river and creek svstems?



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Collecting water samples from Yabba Creek

Only thirty percent of the world's population have a guaranteed supply of treated warei'. witli the remaining seventy percent dependent on other uncertain sources of water supply - all vulnerable to contamination from huinan. industrial and/o1' agricultural wastes. We therefore depend Lipon our rivers to provide clean and healthy water foi' our many and varied dally requirements. TITe Water Quality Monitoring Project is a means by which the community can become responsible for the prevention of the degradation of these life sustaining systems Due to continLied support of the P&F Association. the school has recently been able to becomeinvolvedin a very exciting project. Several schoolsin the surrounding area of

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Testing water samples


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