1990 School Magazine

Foong-Hall Wong together with Vanessa Robins sat for the qualifying examination of the Australian Physics Olympiad. Foong-Han received an award for the high standard of her participation while Vanessa proceeded to the final round of eight. The selectors of the Olympiad team commented on the partictilai'Iy ITigh standard of this year's final ists. Other Science students to Inake their mark nave been Natalie Ta}, 10r who was selecte(I to attend the C. R. A Science Summer School in Canberra last January and Sze-Wai 001 and Katlierine Robinson who won prizes in the Science Contest conducted by the Science Teachei. s Association of Queensland. Sze-Wai won both a Microbiology BUTSaiy and a Science Society Bursary for heI' eiiti'y, "A Comparative Study of DNA in Normal and Ttimoui' Cells using PIOidy and DNA Fingerprinting". WITile Katherine won a Microbiology BUTSary with her "Comparative Study of Normal and HIV-positive Lymphocyte Populations" Foi'eigii language students have also had 11Teii. share of success in a year which saw our students of Chinese compete in language speaking contests for the first time in March this year the National Latin Examination was conducted by the American Classical League. Nearly 78,000 students from all ovei. the world sat for the examination. Hilary Fisher in Year Ten gained a Silver Medal for excellent achievement (maxima cum Iaude) in Level I. while loanna Skowronski ill Year Twelve was awarde(I a Gold Medal for outstanding achievement (summa cum Iaude) in Level H Also in March were the finals of the 20/11 Annual Japanese Language Speech Contest. TITis contest has one final1st from each state in eacli division. The Senior A division is for students in Years Eleven and Twelve who have spent less than six in o1Tths in Japan and Senioi' B is for students of Years Elevei\ and Twelve who have spent less than two years in Japan or who would nave qualified for Division A except that one of 111eir parents is Japanese in the finals which were held at the Sydney Hilton. Sze- Wai 001 spoke about multiculturalism and came second in the Senior A division. while Nicola He iser's topic was the environment and saving the world. Nicola was

awarded illst prize ill the Senior B division and won a reinrn trip to Japan Also o11 a national level is the outstanding achievement of three Year Eleven French students, Taueva Caesar, Tai'a Mai'sh and Iacqueline Mowbray. WITo nave reached the National Finals of the Concours La Perouse. Closer to home Ingrid Hadgraft won first pi'ize in tlie Iunioi' A Division or the Japanese SpeeclT Contest. as did Margaret Robin in the Yeai' Eight section of the Goethe Vei'se Speaking Competition. Jane ECkett (Year Ten) won hist prize in the Langiiage Other Than Eiiglish CompelitioiT run by the M. L. T. A. Q. and "The Courier Mail". Jane's winning entry was a Japanese board game Genevieve Gee's 11ighly coinmended enti'y in the Write and Illustrate a Children's Book Competition drewlavish praise from the judging panel who commented that Genevieve. who is illYear Twelve. could well have a future as a cartoonist. Also on a literary note were the fine achievements of Iacqueline Mowbray and Tamara Bentley whose shoi'I SIoi'Ies won first prizes in theii' respective sections of the 1989 Q. AT. I'S. literary competition The success of all these girls should be an irispii'ation to others








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Ingrid Hadgraft and Nicola Heiser





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Genevieve Gee

LR: Miehelle Muirhead, Anna Hawley, Christine Muirhead, Katherine Weinthal


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