1990 School Magazine
"Teachers of Iunioi'/Senior English have a special responsibility for language education. However. it is the responsibility of all teachers to develop and monitor students' abilities to use the forms of language appropriate to their own subject areas "This responsibility Gritails developing . ability in the selection and sequencing of information required in the various forms (sucl\ as reports, essays, interviews and seminar presentations); . the use of technical terms and their definitions; . tlie use of correct grammar. spelling, punctuation, and layout. Assessment in all subjects needs to take into consideration students' appropriate use of language. " The formulation of an In-service Program relating to ELDAC and Language in Learning involved an initial afternoon and evening session for Senior staff, including all Department al Heads. Dr Glyn Davies from Grimth University was the main speaker. A series of Workshops followed Ills address A Staff Day at BCG. S. was given over exclusively to ELDAC. and the challenges offormulatingand ultimately implementing a School Language Policy. derived from ELDAC philosophy and principles, was begun. The challenges presented to the School by Dr Davies were as follows: I. Can y011 ^Gally create, in the time that they're here. independent. autonomous learners? 2. Can yoti get together and identify the exit skills that you want all students to have achieved at a certain time? (e. g. end Year 8.10.12 ...) 3. Can you as a staff work together towards the eventiial creation of a language policy to which you all subscribe and which you all understand? 4. Can you work together at the Departmental level to provide work programs that give substance to that policy? Mrs Robyn Colwil! co-ordinated the Committee which was given the challenging task of devising the School Language Policy. in every school. this Is a unique document. reflecting as it does the essence of the school curriculum and tlie particular needs of the teachers and students within that specific educational coinmun!ty A Working Committee consisting of five Senior Staff: the Senior Master. the Senior Mistress. the Head of Economics, the Co-ordinator of Biology. and the Head of English. was established. This Committee had frequent and protracted meetings where much valuable ground work was done. including the formulation and distribution of a questionnaire to the Heads and Co- ordinators of all subjects. This was an essential initial stage. as every teacher in the school had to feel 'ownership' of the policy. and have a recognised input into its developiiTent, if the implementation of the policy was to succeed
111 1981 she became a member of Ensemble Modern. a leading West German group special is ingin contemporary music. WITich 11as toured extensively throughout Europe. Britain and Soutli America Cathei'ine has also played witli the Loi\don Sinfonietta and the Chamber Orchestra of Europe Recently she performed as soloist in eacli oftltree concerts in Flank111rt. presented as a ti'Ibute to contemporary composers Stockhausen. Ligette and Kurtag. who attended the perforinance of their works. These concerts were repeated in Hungary Dunitg 1989 Catherine's perlorinances with the Ensemble Modern took her to Scandinavia and Vieiii\a and this year to Russia. Other important engagements have included playing with the Ensemble Intercontemporaiii of Paris directed by Pierre Boulez and with the European 01'cliestra at London's Proms In September Catherine will return to Sydney to accept the offer of Associate Principal Oboe witlT the Sydney Syinphony Orchestra Tills yearthe Wight Memorial Prize was awarded to Mary- Jane Bennett in Year Eleven
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Mary-Jane Bennett
ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT ACROSS THE CURRICULUM: THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCHOOL LANGUAGE POLICY The initial impetus for developing a School Language Policy was an outcome of many factors which included participation in LTLTR In-service Programs by all Departments: a cross-curricular recognition of the crucial importance of language in learning in all subject areas: and not least, the inclusioiT in all BossSS Syllabi. regardless of subject. of the following statement. which had to be reflected in School Work Programs:
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