1990 School Magazine
the fund were covei. ecl by the intoI. est. and evei'y clonalion could be identified by a brick in the new buildings. " said Mis Bain FronT 1972-76 a new role developecl as a mothei' on Tuckshop duty. as daughter Diane was now a student at B. G. G. S. and School Captain in her final yeai' Mrs Bain believe 1977 was the beginning or a new erti101' B. G. G. S. Colonel Gehrinanii succeeded Di. Konrad Hii'schfelcl as Chairman or Ti'Listees. anti Mi's Iudith Hancock I'GPlaced Miss Nancy Shaw as Pi'incipal. The school was to experience a gi. owlli phase boili physically and academically. The years 1980-86 saw Mrs Bain broaden her own horizons in education and administration. "As a member of the Schools' Commission Planning and Finance Committee and as the representative of the Association of Independent Schools in Queensland. I had great opportunities to research and assess needs of non- government schools. I realised that I must further my knowledge on the changing role of administrators. " NGvei' one to pi'oci'astinate. Yvonne Bain completed the Degree of Bacheloi' of Administi'ajioii at Gi'ithth University. an <1 later gained a Mastei' of Philosophy Degi'ee for lier illesis "Commonwealtli Educational Policies 1945-1984". 01hei' professional achievements in the last tell years Include Associate Fellow of the Australian Instittite of Manageiiient. a Senior Associate of the Instittiie o1'Pel'sonnel Management and Principal ofY Bail\ anti Associates In tile wider field orcoitimunityinvolvement Mrs Bain has been Queenslancl President or the National Collncil of Women for Ibur years, a 111ember of tlie Australian Statistics Advisory Council in Canberra. and this year, President of the Queensland Arts Collncil. "Today with its fine buildings and its fine acadeitiic recoi'd. B. G. G. S sta rids PIOud amongst its peers. " said Mrs Bain. "and it has been a pleasure to be part of this record of achievement. " "For me. The best advice I have I'eceived came froiTi Miss Lilley who said. 'Never be afraid to 11'y to do something; it does not matter if yoti do 1101 succeed. as long as you try. ' " Bulbul. (I Hebdeii HILDA SPENCE, M. B. E. In March this year. a remarkable past student of B. G. G. S celebrated her hundredth birthday. Mrs Hilda Marguerite Spence. MB. E. looked back over a life notable for active involvement in all manner of community work. and for adaptability Hilda Marguerite. second daughter of Dr & Mrs Wilton Love, started liei. studies at BCG. S. in 1902. where she showed a pal'ticLilar aptitLide for' botany. in the Senior Examination. whicli in those days came from Sydney University, she was Proxime Accessit for the Botany Medal As was the custom for well bred youngladies. Miss Hilda Love "callTe out" at a ball at Government House, George Street. ill the presence of the Governor of Queensland, Lord Chelmsford. Subsequently, she enjoyed the social scene of Brisbane until her marriage in 1915 to Ewen CGddes Spence
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wonne Bain, A. M.
h was with pride and pleasure that the Brisbane Gills' Graininar School community learnt of Mrs Yvonne Bain's 1990 National Award. Member of the Order of Australia Her association with the school. as pupil. parent and Trustee. spans almost half a centry. Mrs Bain has in many ways helped shape the foi. tunes of B. G. G. S in 1942 Australia was threatened by a Japanese invasion, so Yvonne Bain's (nee West) introduction to B. G. G. S. was through correspondence lessons. Once at school. the Headmistress, Miss Kathleen Lilley, remains firmly in Mrs Bain's mind - a forinIdable lady who gave strict Instructions on air raid di'ill. and who also ITiade it clear that past achievements were of 110 consequence. What counted. was the work performed and commitment given to B. G. G. S ~I also reinembei'." said Mrs Bain. "Miss Lilley's advice - that our goal should be to use our own particular abilities This was an ethos of immeasurable value to all of us in our later lives. " Vivid memories of school days include the morning assembly in the old assembly hall. trekking to the Spi'ing Hill Baths for swimming lessons. the library housed in the classrooin off the front hall and "cottage" classrooms After leaving school in 1945. Yvonne Bain became actively involved in 111e Old Girls' Association. and has been instrumental in OGA. building projects. President of the OGA. for three ternis. Mrs Bain was appointed to tlTe Board of Trustees in November 1968. a position she still holds. After her marriage in 1951. she received the strongest slipport Ironi her husband Tom, an "old boy" of Brisbane Grammar School To fully utilize federal grants and to commemorate the centenary of BCG. S . Mrs Bain worked tirelessly as Convenor of the Centenary Building Fund. "It was the proud boast of tlie Centenary Committee chaired by Colonel Gus Gehrmann, that all the expenses of running
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