1990 School Magazine

Mrs B I Thonisett Mrs D G Thornson Mr G Thornsen Mrs I Thomas Dr L C Thornpson

Dr & Mrs G Warren Sir Bruce Watson Capt I E Watson Miss J E Watson Mrs V E Watts Dr P Webcr Mr & Mrs C D Webster Mr D Wells M P O J Wenham Mr I A Wernham Mr R C Westcott Mr W K Wheatley Mr & Mrs R C Wheeler Dr D Whish Mr A R While A White Mrs M White Mr & Mrs N White head Mr P White head Mr D V White house Mrs E C White house Mr & Mrs I C Whittle Mrs I Whitman Mr K Whittaker Mr & Mrs W I Whitla Mr R Wilkinson Mr A J P Williams Mr B I Will cox Dr D J Williams Mrs D B Will is Mr & Mrs V L Wills Mr & Mrs B M Wilson Mr & Mrs B G Wilson Mrs I Wilson Mrs K B Wilson Mr & Mrs P J Wilson Mr K Winks Mr K Wong Mr N Wong Mrs A C Wood Mr C I Wood Dr & Mrs K M Woodhead Miss M Woodward Dr & Mrs W J P Woolcock Mr & Mrs A H Wright Mr K Wu

Mr & Mrs W Shand Mrs M A Shepherdson Professor R W Shepherd Miss I B Shields Mr & Mrs I W Shirley Mr R Shrapnel Mrs B A Siemon Mr S S Sihota Mr & Mrs G D Simpson Mr & Mrs I R Simpson Mr & Mrs R N Singh Mr & Mrs R Singh Dr & Mrs S K K Siu R E Skett

Mr & Mrs T W Thornpson Mr & Mrs W W Thornson Mr B Thornton Mrs L Thornquist Mr & Mrs W J Thorn Mr & Mrs T Thrupp Mrs I Tilbury Mrs A W Tillett Mr M H Titlcy Mrs D I Todd Mr & Mrs P R Todhunter Mrs S To Ihurst Mr S N Toms Mr & Mrs G L Towne Mr & Mrs W Tranberg Mr & Mrs H Tsui Mrs A Tudberry Mrs H Tully Mrs I Turnbull Mr & Mrs I C Tweeddale C E Twisden-Bedford Mr G J Twomey Mr & Mrs R L Tyler Mr H Uchiyama Mr & Mrs T W Vallis Mr I A Van Lieshout Mr & Mrs J Van Opdenbosch Mr & Mrs R E Van-Kernpen Mrs A B Vann M P Veen Mrs H R Venton Mr & Mrs S M Vergotis Mrs P Vidgen Mr P B Wade Drs R W Wainwright Mr & Mrs C A Waldron

Dr J C Skinner Mr A C Smart Mrs C K Smelt Miss B Smith Mr D F Smith

Mr & Mrs P Smith Mr & Mrs P I Smith Miss P M Smith Mr & Mrs A Soediarto Miss A M Salley Mr & Mrs K Spanswick

Mrs L J Spelman Mr B H Spilsbury Dr A Splatt Miss E M Squires Ms M F Stafford Mr H R E Staines Mrs H M Sintham

Mr A B D Steele Dr D M Steindl Mr & Mrs D Stent Miss I M Stephenson Mr & Mrs P C Stephens Mrs M I SIevens Miss S Stewart G Still Mr & Mrs A I G SIokell Mr & Mrs N E Summerson Miss C Swannell Miss G Swan Mr C V S Spyer Mr D H Tail

Dr M S Waldie Ms A N Walker

Mr & Mrs D W Walker Mr & Mrs W L Walker

Mrs L Wallace Dr J W Walters P Wallers M rs M Wa rd

Mr & Mrs A S T Tan Dr & Mrs D K K Tan Mr & Mrs M I Thies

BOARD OF TRUSTEES ELECTORS' ROLL Under the Grammar Schools Act. individuals and companies who donate fifty dollars or more to the Schoolare entitled to be registered as electors for three of the seven members of the Board of Trustees. The other four members of the Board are nominated by the Governorin-Council Elections for the Board occur every four years All donors and subscribers to the School. including those who have supported The Restoration and Bunding Appeal. have their names automatically added to the Electors' Roll if they have donated fifty dollars or more. The next Board election is in November 1990


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