1988 School Magazine

GREFFATH ffi@USE Criff ith House got off to an enthusiastic beginning with r-;; ;";y ;;; phantasmagorical .house barbecue' fssentialiy, this was a terrific"excuse for a major "pork" unJ g"n"rul truancy from homework commitments' lt i,u, f;"r", at this historical event, that the Year Eights .u*", lu* and conquered, with an innovative Griffith *rr--y. in" Year Tens nairowly missed victory (under in" tu["tU organizational powers of a"certain Year Ten ror- {"nior; 6ecause of obvious bias from the judges' The House barbecue obviously contributed to Criffith's i-ptt""a performance in the lnter-House Swimming Cainiual, where we gained second place' This would not ;;;; ;;;; pottitrt""urt for the amazing and beautiful Ciif itn House Sports Captain, Julie, and of course for her dedicated assistant, Liz W' Our own Criffith cheer ;;;.d, a".f."a out in exclusive red T-shirts and hats' also assisled our Pertormance' External forces beyond our control mitigated against Criffith's ultimate success in the lnter-House Drama' rnir i-"t"f ,Li ln criff ith missing out on a place in the f irst ilu"lt XlrritY, our talented pigdytgft along with her pioar.tion ieam of Jenny and L|z \" and numerous Lackstage assistants, put in a superb eff ort' This leads us' oi-.or[", to the lnter-House Cross Country where Cindy Fripp, our star runner, blitzed the course in her f irst ever record run. Caro, our industrious, much appreciated House Captain' led our Gym team to success in the lnter-House Cirn^ttti.tlourchoir, led bySusanna.h, Penny and Mel' is also striving to reach ne* hLights, as is ottr determined' aggressive Griffith athletics team' Criffitn was used as the proverbial "guinea pig" fo.r a vertical-mixing experiment' This involved integrating ;;;;; rn"tn""tt of each year Sroup within the house ;;i;;." roll call class. These were headed by the ever ;;;;;i"-and compassionate form seniors' Sal' Jacinta' Fiona and Heather. Thanks must go to Liz M', our efficient Vice-House Caotain, without *not roll call may never. have ;;J;;r;i"J. of course, we cannot forget Mrs sanderson' orrr oatient House -Mi,tr-"", and all of the staff and tara"n,t within the House' Special thanks must 8o .to Curound the class of '88, without whom there would be no Griffith House, as we know it and love it! Cood luck to our successors, and remember what a modest form senior once said, "Always look ahead ' ' ' ;;.;;;'roi in"-"aa sidewavs glance into the E block verandah mirror l" Fiona Thompson

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