1988 School Magazine

HXCEJANCE STAJMffiNTS This year, we have had three lnternational Course Students {rom our sister schoolfor long-term visits. E.:l.ly in the year Keil

gAPAN{ffiSFE "1988 has been a memorable year for the japanese Department, partictllarly as. it has . rnarked ihe tenth anniversary'.i .ut sister school relationship.with the Flirayama Gakuen Tsushirna Cirls' l-1igh School' The five days'visit to Brisbrane in August by a group.of twenty-sevenr N-{inayama studenrts and teachers was highly succeisf ul due in no srnall part to the enthusiasrn of the Eirls and their families who hosted them. Many thanks to ihuru gu"urous famiiies.,{ very enjoyable day at Seaworld and another at Expo helped to cement lasting f riendships. All students agreed that the experience of hosting the f apanese girls was very worthwhile, because in trying to communilate they were able to appreciate so much more the importance of cultural understanding and language learning. The girls were very sad to say goodL,ye to their Japanese sisteis hut lool< f orward to rneeting them again one day. On July Bth, Feta Kennedy represented the school at the off iciaIluncheon to celebrate Japan's national day at the Australian Favilion at World Expo. She Save a speech in japanese weicoming the Japanese dignitaries and spoke a little about the school exchange student programme' There have also Lreen enjoyable visits to Japanese restaurants by the Year Eight and Year Fleven students. This year many of our girls performed particularly well in the Japanese Speech Contest for which they had to write and give a speech on a topic of their own choice. School Day in September was once again a success with many visitors coming to see the Japanese display, the Calligraphy and Origami workshops, and the Japanese dancing'

w. campbeil M. Campbell


[-eft to right: Miho ldedan Keiko Kaino l-triroko Shirnura Tomoko Akata

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