1988 School Magazine

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SENB@R ChXOIR Back [Row: (te{t to right): K. Eleakley, D. Grigg, C. Robinson, i. nurr"n, K'Daley,-S-. R. Wi[[

Messer, K.-Biltoft, S' 8-{assell, F' h{asse[[, i' Stewart-Richardson'

Goodwin, R. Fye' E. waimwrlgl'tt, s" [-r-rdlow, tr' white"

P. McBride, s. clarke, K. Lochran, s' Martin,

j. Clark, M' to{oran, T' Doolan, A' Snnith' S' Ferry-Keene'

T. starnford, [-. woodford, K' strmrmerson'

Gunaratne, F' Snnith' C' llhognas' K'

Webster. Conductor: Miss T. Cook.



This year, the Senior Choir was a very large g.roup.of almost j20 members from Grades Ten to Ywive.'the group has performed lt ulL oi tn" school concerts throughout the year und alro the Annual Thanksgiving Service in April. tn Augusr the choir participaieJ;." thq eueensland Festival of Music in which *" *"ru placed rhird and received the audience vote in the'senior For alt of our performances throughout the year, we have covered a very wide and interesting range of music, singing everything f rom the "Bop Fugue" to Benjamin Britten's "Ceremony of Carols". Specialthanks to Miss Cook, our conductor and mentor, who ably took over f rom Mrs Pedersen at the beginning of the year, for making this year a really enjoyable one for everyone in Senior"Choii. Good luck next yearl Penny Boys Traditional A section.

PercussionEnsemblehasbeenrevivedthisyearthanksto the enthusiasm of our new percussion teacher' Mr Smith. Twelve girls, meet every Friday^ lunch hour to rehearse a varieiy o{ percussion pieces. some of the girls have not prev.ioisly had the opportunity to play in a group to ih" first few rehearsals were very interesting ina [t"ut fun. The group is enthusiastic and has high

hopes for the future'



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