1988 School Magazine


5. Thompsor'1"

_ A" F{ofifliday, R" Fox, [{. Finster, ,4" Secculfl, j. White, W. Roberts, R. Appleton, C. Fidcock, K, Davii, K. Davies, .A. Fniney, k. V"r*" , C.VanEps, [. Salzman, K.-Launems, i. [-aytom,,A. McGrath, S. Layion, 1i.. Blindelfl, A. Roherts, S. Burnge, S. Wi[[



PREFECTS Eac[< Row: (left to right): S. ]vtcCray, S. Cftrenoweth, F{. Atkinson, S. Webb. Middle Row: M. Nolan, Y. Witrtshire, K. Bleakley, E. Wainwright, Mrs j. F{aricock, j. fu{cCann, C. Flartley, S. tr-udnow, Mr .4. Dale. Front Row: D. Scholfay, C. Eln"rs, R.Arnes" !. ft,{onris, A. Kinnear, [-{. Wehster.

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