1988 School Magazine

We then attended an inforrnal n-reeting of the C.F'S' School Captains and Eoarding Capiains. lt was an interesting exper:ience! School Day was the Frefects' main proj6ct - we co-ordinated allthe activities" Thanks must go to lMiss l {atton amd the Frefect body, who rnade it a success" Athletics was next up, wlth the nnterhouse Carnival quickly foltrowed by Q.C.S.S.S'A. In our spare time, we experienced the joys of Bus, Cate and Town Duty, and pondened the banre of Mr Dafle's existence: CLEAN UP! Speech Day was the cuimination of our day (read year)' And we'd done it! Excited as we were over our rernankabrle achievement, we had to take the rest of the year off to recuperatel With the year now over, it is time for seriorts reflection' There weie 859 individuals who began the year at the school. Cornrnon experience has forged a collective identity - Brisbane Cirls' Grammar Girls of 1988. Every studeni has made a contribution to the ethos of the school, whether in academic, musical, sporting or dramatic fields, or simply being a good citizen' There has been a marked spirit of co-operation among, the Seniors. We thank all Grade Twelves for thein unrending support. The triumphs and tribulations of Grade Tielve were shared. lt was a year we were glad to bre a part of and proud to represent. Thank you to Mrs Hancock, Mr Dale, Miss l--{atton and all teacheis for their help and guidance. Oun year as Flead Girls has certainly breen a memorable one. ffiffiAD ffi@ARDERS'RffiP@RT Nil sine Ia boander (Nothing without boarders) was the motto for this year and we let the school know it by featuring this adage on our beautif ul, brilliant, bonza new T-sliirts, designed by Alice Thomsett. Flowever, that was only the first step of our plan - b.oarders rule the school! Well, not quite, but we have stillstood out as an assemblage who work welltogether and we have proven that we ai" a uery important part of the school. Throughout the year, the boarders have come together u, u grJup and as a result we have raised many dollars and have enjoyed manY social events. On Saturday, 16th July, we held our ever-popular car wash. The outcome of this was not only that there were hundreds of sparkling, clean cars driving around Brissy brut also that we raised over $500, a quarter o{ this going to the leukaemia fund and the rest to boarders' amenities. At the beginning of the year we produced, for the first time, a boardersr newsletter (Boarders' Babble)' Margie Carroll is the co-ordinator but the entire boarding house contributes to make it a whole team effort. lt is distributed every month and contains write-u.ps on various activities that have happened, poems and other little surprises. On June 1st and 2nd we put on the musical 'Annie'for the school. Cirls practised for ten weeks and the end product was very pleasing. Thanks to the efforts of 26 Ellie Wainwright & Jane McCann Flead Girls, i9BB

l(atie Gordon ([-) and Chris [-[ant[ey (R)

Lyndal Duke, Amanda Angelini,. Mr Stathann, thr mistresses, Mrs Fapas and Mr R.owell, the show was ver successful. Everyone who was in it had a Ereat time ant hopefully this will be nlade an annual event. One annual event which ig always approached with grea enthusiasrn was our Miss"Boarding House Competitior which was held on 7th AuSust' Susie l--{owes was crowne( Miss Boarding House for 1988 and Jessica Watson wa Miss Boanding l-iouse Frincess. The whole night was great success ind, as usual, was enjoyed by all. On top of that there were the numerous cof{ee night and dances and the Year Twelve Roman night whe grapes and non-alcoholic wine were served all round' The games night that was organised by Year Eleven was lot oJ fun and provided a great start to the year. The dorm seniors: Jenny Wilson (8), Tanya Pritchard (9 NikkiKatchor (10)and Caitlin Tilley (11) have allgained Iot of satisfaction from their positions and wish ne> year's dorm seniors the best of luck. Finally, we would like to thank the girls for helping t make'this year so successf ul and rewarding and we wis the best of luck to the head boarders o{ i9B9' AEROMNCS REPORT At approximately 4.30pm from Monday to Thursday, transformation takes place in the residence whic houses a different kind of people: BOARDERS' At th time, the echo of music bounces off the walls around tl- balcony and if you dare pass the Junior Common Roon vou will find an unusual tribe who like to inflict pa lpon themselves. They are dressed in brightly coloure costumes, resemb'ling, lycra cycling pants and leotard and they run around clapping tl-Leir hands while tl- chiefess, I

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