1988 School Magazine

ffiffiHTGRHAL Thanks to the hard work of Nztrs Kiolle, N4rs Kimber and N4rs fl-{adgnaft, the Alagazine ccmmittee and all our contributons, the m agazine is in existence again for 1988. As usual, it records the activities of the many groL,rps within the school. ln whatever you have or have not chosen to participate in this year, you have exercised the right to make your" own decision. The ability to make these choices intelligenrtly is part of the learning experience. The importance of this school is not only to teach but also to develop what is within challenging, dg*anding, encouraging the emerging aduli education in the broadest sense of the word. In short, we are taught to think for ourselves, something which will remain long after the facts and figures have disappeal*d. Ferhaps we can b" proudest noionly if we have the best academic record or the fastest sprini time, but also if we can S?y, "l agree with no man's opinion. I have some of my own." ([van Turgenev) Alison Seccull Ed itc r

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Edfitqln: Alison Seccultr Art Edftor: Carof ine Flms cosmnmfittee; Rachel Ames, Fehcity Barry, iMangaret Carroll, Katey Daley, ,['e-"nny f;-tastie, Slnrcnre [--{ewltt, .Julie Kaeshaegeil, Liz r\4oneland, Tiani Nixon, sally ogilvie, Alice Thornsett, Fior-ra Thompson, r\,1 ichaela \l/i N Is"

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