1988 School Magazine

PRIZE L[sT 1987

Th[E BERYI- BC-ANCh{ STEEDfu{AN MEA4ORIAfl. FOR DRAIViA Presented by Mrs p.H- B.ailey in memory of her Aunt who was a.Senior.English Mistress at the school. This p;iz;'; award.ed to the girl who has done the most outrtundl^g work in connection with Drama. Jacqueline Lwnn T!-{E MERTE WEAVER FRIZE FOR FUBTCC SPE,AK{NG Donated in1954, by Miss Weaver, a former member of the Staff. Senior Nicole Robinsan Junior Erica Fryberg TFIE ESTI-IER EEAN!-AND MEDAI. FOR TEXTI!-E DE5[6N This was given in lStf by Miss Soph.ia geanlarxd, Headmistress 1882-1889, in memory of her mother. Julie-Anne Stephenson CREATIVE PAINTERS PRIZES PEEIZE THE CFTARTOTTE DE jONCOURT FOTKIORE pRtZE Awarded for the first time in 1986, this was founded lay Miss E.L. Marsland. The award is based on a guided reading quiz and an essay. Caroline Leditschke Natasha Dougan Erica Fryberg THE R.T. fEFFERIES ,AND ANNE ETFTEIR.EDA IEFFERIES BI.JRSARY This commemorates the first Music Master of the school (1875) and his daughter, an Old Cirl of the school and a past Music Mistress, whose gift it is. The bursary is awarded to the "most promising student in the scl-rool for the advancement of music". Marion Biggs THE KENDAII BROADBENT MEMORIAL PRIZE FOR BIOTOGY First given in1941 by Mr J.E. Broadbent, a member of the Board of Trustees for many years, in memory of his f ather. Awarded to a pupil of Year 11 for the best Essay in a Natural History subject. No award THE TOppER CUp FOR C|TIZENSH|P (YEAR 10) This cup was donated by Mrs E.V. Topper, a former member of staff. Sarah Martin PRINCIPAL'S PRIZE FOR CITIZENSHIP AT YEAR 1O Nicole Bigby Jacqueline Iliff TI-IE D.E. CATT MEMORIA!- PRIZE FOR SERVICE IN TI-IE BOARDING SCHOOI- Donated in 1970 by Mrs Catt's daughter, Mrs l.M.B. Cribb, in memory of her mother who had been a member of staff in charge of the boarders. Mardi Aldous Elizabeth Allman TFIE PARENTS AND FR.IENDS'PRIZE Awarded to the girl in Year 12 who has made the best all-round effort in contributing to school life and who has not won any other prize Astrid Kylstra Senior Junior Merit Senior Junior Jane Welsh Katrina Odgers

T8-{E &4ACK! N!_Ay SC;-!O!-ARS3-{[p Founded in'1903, this is the bequest of Lady Dickson and commemorates Miss Mackinlay, Headmistress of the School (1878 - 1BB1). The Scholarship is awarded to the most successf ul student in the final year of school who is proceeding to the University. It cannot be held concurrently with any other scholarship. PENELOPE MAINSTONE (Dux of the School 19BG) TI-!E CI.CAI-IENGE S[-IIEI.D FOR PFEVSICAI. CIJI.T[.JRE Awarded to the House which has gained the most points for lnter-House Sporting Competition. WOOLCOCK HOUSE INTERHOUSE DEBATINC AWARD GRIFFITH HOUSE SNTERFiOUSE DRAMA AWARD This award was presented by Mrs D. yeates, a former member of staff and Senior Mistress. HIRSCHFELD HOUSE R.T. TEFFER|ES TNTERHOUSE Ct-tOR,AL AWARD CIBSON HOUSE SPORTS BROOCH Awarded to a girl who has shown excellence of performance in at least three A Crade sports. Kirsten Moore THE MARY ATEXIS MACMITLAN PRIZE FOR TYRIC AND POETRY lgr lu?Lr Eigh.t, Nine andTen - given in memory of Miss MacMillan who was on the staff for 39 years, was Senior English Mistress and was Second Mistress f rom THE BETTY WOOTCOCK CHATI.ENGE CUP Presented by the late, the Hon. Mr Justice Woolcock and Mrs Woolcock in memory of their daughter, Dorothy Harper Hy.ne (Betty). Awarded for the enc-ouragement of an original production in the English language by means of an Essay, Story or Poem. Narelle Keen THE WIGHT MEMORIAT MEDAL FOR MUSIC Donated in memory of Miss Wight, formerly a pupil of the School, and a teacher on the itaff, who wis drowned in the wreck of the Quetta. Melinda Nolan THE VATDA GII.IIES PRIZE FOR PIANO Awarded for a performance of a set piece by Mozart or Bach Rosemary Pallister THE ACIE AI.EXINA GIttIES MEMORIAI PRIZE FOR STR!NGED INSTRT,JMENT Donated in 197.0 by her sisters, Merna and Valda, past pupils of the school. 132 No award 1 930-1 965. Year Eight: Years Nine,/Ten: Marina Cominos Vanessa Robins

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