1988 School Magazine
This year has not been easy for nnany of you, but I believe that it has taught some to accept that there are times when individuai nights can be exercised only in so far as the rights of others can be respected. Those of you who have {illed positions of responsibrility have, on the whole, accepted these positions with dignity and have developed an understanding of the challemge that was offered to you. Unfortunately for others it has been dif f icult to recognise that popularity with peers is far less important than upholding high principles. The spirit o{ the school comes from the attitude and examples set by senior students and I would like todayto particularly thank Narelle and all those who have supported her during the past year. lwould also Iike to thank all those who have given me such tremendous support and hence the school. My very best wishes for the f uture to all of you. To those returning I look f orward to anrother challenging and successful year. .ludith A. l-lancock Frincipal ' November 2A,1987
T'he Cornrnonwealth Schools Commissionr Specific Fur- pose Frogram for Secondary Education states: "... the nation should pursue a systematic policy to realise the entitlement of all Ausiralians to a full secondary education. This should be part of a national effort to place a higher value on education, to increase the level of knowledge and skills and to widen the distribution of successf uloutcomes." To do this there will need to be a national effort to focus energies and provide resources necessary to improve the quality of education in all schools. Of the five fields of action recommended by the Commission, the development of teachers and the promotion of professional enrichment courses are seen as integral to reform and improved outcomes for students. ln other words, the teacher's role is vital and integral to change and such change can only be positive when teaching is perceived as a challenging vocation by our brightest and best students. What can we do in schools to promote teaching as a career for capable and committed students? What can teachers do as professional educators to lift the image of teaching in the community? What can governments do to ensure that the conditions under which teachers work are such that young people will be encouraged to consider it a worthwhile profession? Unless these questions and many more are addressed the increasing retention rates that are being encouraged for post-compulsory sectors of education will not be maintained, because the learning environment in which the students will f ind themselves will not be seen as an attractive and challenging alternative to the world of work. As stated in the Commonwealth Schools Commission document In the Natiosla! [rnterest schools ".. . can, ... provide a good, demanding, general education, developing each individual intellectually to the greatest extent possible. lt then follows that people well- educated in this way will have the f Iexibility, initiative and adaptability to contribute productively and positively to the nation, culturally, socially and economically, no matter what new circumstances arise. ln the Commission's judgment, such a vision f or secondary education in Australia is in the national interest." But educational ideals and visions such as these will only be achieved if it is recognised that the quality of education in the f uture is directly related to the quality of our future educationists. I know that a number of you are seriously considering entering service professions such as teaching, and through the decision that you have made you will be able to contribute much to the future of our younger generations. Unless, however, we can convince more young people, and particularly those who are achieving at the highest academic levels, to enter the profession then our nation is at risk. For those leaving this year, remember that the end of schooling is not the end of your education, for this is a lifetime process. lt is instead the beginning of your adult life when you must seriously consider how you are going to Lrse the opportunities that you have already had, so that your life will be fulfilled through the contribution you can make to society. 12
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