1988 School Magazine
increased with the annoLrncement of placings' As thcl noints were dtlnoLtlrced our exciternent grew l SWtjfVilN4NNG ihp l98B Swimnrilrg \edson \\'1\ a lime for lhe ,!.r.,f "oirr"nt of our'sw'imming team's skill, spirit and i]f ,i' .r," succeqs Our amazing achievement at the il'c.s.s.s.n. carnival can be attributed to the Ilr"nrtiltrrr of our two coaches, Miss Derrir-rgton and Cnu." Stott-Thomas. Throughoui the.season, the team irr. . commitment and kept to it, attending five tlaining sessions per week' The Crammar team ."*nui"d at three Friday night carnivals (at Musgrave p]rt., St Margaret's and St Peter's) and our efforts were t.*.ta"a wlth inrprovement in times and valtrable cornpetitive exPerience. On Saturday, February 13th, we had 'in important Fun Jnd Cn-"t day which was integraled with.skills training' ile trnined, clespite the embarrassment of finally see-ing ;r;;"1";t "in u.iion" on video' we all learnt a great deai about our stYIe. This year there was a E,reater insurgence of privately .ouoh"d swimmers, wht made time to train with the ;;;;a as well, and we believe that their displav of enthurias- was much appreciated by the squad' The season passed quickly and Saturday, 12th March iinulfv urtiuecl. The 'atmosphere, already tense' only ts.G.G.S. SWI N4,\'{[ N G SQt-J,qD h'aua-,ei r. cnn*s, x' sander, [-' wisernan' D' Taylor' D' Lolrrisch' ndsett, K. Freier, 'A' Rei[ly, c' Rohinson'.i' N4arshaN[' D' Sander' F' crease' F. Gertrer, F' Banry, L. Blue' N. N4oreland, K' Kirkwood' f onelli (Captainl, C' ItVf (,' t,dtgttl,,f n" Martin' S" Frew' S' Charlton' V' Lohnisch' 'A" Ytrle' N" tsigby' J' Roge's' Bac< lRow: (left to right): ,4. Freier, c. Derrington, K" For:r..iih Row: E. Gregory, A. [-{ixey, E. Moreland, ,1,'t. syrmris, i. Th!,.c1 Row: L. t-acis, E. jacl l. Rogers. .a*.,. '4. &,* F& , F'' - ... :: t:.27 * .:a. i&f84:i; a:,€'t:a .' . ?::tlttt:.': €.'::.Ct t t' :: : '4 .. . - :3:l ta 4,. .. ': ':t* t
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