1985 School Magazine

LILLEY HOUSE Lilley House got off to a great start in 1985, with an interesting and entertaining house assembly. All grades were required to perform a skit. Some were very absorbing to say the least! The new monthly one-period meetings have proved very successful for the house in enabling us to pursue more exciting activities and to organise the administrative side of the house. On the 22nd of February, the Grade 12's organised a luncheon with the new Grade 8's, where the food seemed to disappear faster than it was provided! The 6th of March brought the house barbecue. Pizzas and chicken were the menu for the night, which proved very successful in bringing the house together. After the food and activities such as the ever popular chocolate game, we saw the video "Careful He Might Hear You". The Inter-house Cross Country Competition was held in the week beginning the 29th of April. The Grade 8's had the first turn on Monday. Overall, Lilley House came fourth. This is a promising start, but hopefully, future years will be able to improve it. The Inter-house Gymnastics Competition was conducted on the 8th and 9th of May. Although we did not have as many participants as we had anticipated, the resu It obtained was pleasing. Thank you to all girls who participated and who came to cheer our efforts. Your support was greatly appreciated. School Day is coming up ori the 14th of September and Lilley House is holding a sweets and novelty stall. We are confident that this will be a success, as we have already received strong support from all in the house. The inter- house athletics competition will also be held in that week on the 19th of September. Last year we won both the track and field and ballgames shields and we hope to retain both again this year. The 21st of October is the date set for the inter-house choral competition , and we are expecting all girls in the house to be involved in it to make it very worthwhile. Our thanks must go to all who have helped to make Lilley a happy and successful house this year. This includes our house mistress Mrs Eberhardt, the other house teachers, the form seniors and the rest of Year 12. We would also like to wish Lilley House the best of luck and every success in 1986.

Anna Hebron. and Samantha Parker House Captains


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