1985 School Magazine
VISITING STAFF Ronald Butler - Guitar Kenneth Clark- Percussion Norman Cowgill - Saxophone Ashley Garland - Horn Annie Laver - Oboe Karenne Leach - Organ Christopher Lockhardt-Smith - Cel lo
Barbara Lockwood - Clarinet Joan Potter- Bass/Bass Guitar jl4dith Retchford - Piano Ted Selby - Brass Gabrielle Waters - Bassoon
OFFICE STAFF Secretary to the Trustees- Mr J.E . Willmott Secretary to the Principal - Mrs M. Kelleher A. I.P.S. Asst. Secretary to Trustees - ·Miss C. Humble Mrs M . Hukins Miss J. Smith Mrs J.W. Wilkins
Mrs J.L. Young Mrs A. Morris
HOUSE STAFF Mrs Y. Oxlad Mrs P. Coker Mrs V. Bone Mrs E. Reinke Miss Gay Foreman (Activities Officer)
The Mary Alexis Maxmillan Prize Year 8 GOSSAMER
A single tiny dew drop, Balanced on the fine lin es, Almost undetected by the human eye. Delivered from destruction By a moment 's twinkling of the sun.
A creature balances nimbly on the tightrope lines, Stops its busy work, And stiffens as disaster shivers down its spine.
The st rings of such fine work, So strong, Hold the dew from falling. They support their creator, And catch its prey. The framework so delicate, So beautifully fine, So carefully made.
The white of a snowflaked day, smudge of a cheek. Tiny, wide, bright eye, peering up at the frosty web of trees above. Sweet iced silence, enclosed in a world of peace. Time goes by and leaves footprints . Wrinkle of a cheek, soft, dull, grey suns, painfully rising to the sky, see the frosty web of artillery. Soured silence, and blood on the pure, white snow.
The wind cannot break it, Nor the sun or rain.
But a single stick tumbling from above, Smashes through the mesh-like fram~.
When the web is gone, The spider still remains. It ejects a silken strand, That blows upon the gentle breeze.
The spider lands, And begins building once again.
Heidi Webster 80
jennifer Russell 77 Hirschfeld
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