1984 School Magazine


The Cerman Department has tried many new innovations this year, which have achieved mixed success. An attempt was made at the b"ginning of the year to form a German CIub, ?hd, while the first meeting attracted a good number of people, especially in Years B and 9, Subsequent meetings saw numbers dwindle. Unfortunately, organisation of activities has been left almost solely to one person, the President, Naomi Kikkawa, although people were elected to other positions as well. Tribute must be paid to Naomi for all the hard work she has done, running the club and its activities almost single handedly. Activities have varied. The clu b had a social afternoon with boys f rom B.G.S. as well as a very successf ul evening at the Munich Steakhouse. ln July the Club had an afternnon of German games, dancing and a fil m" Nosferatu", accompamied by Pizza and Cordial, which everyone enjoyed. Within the Department itself, the German Easter Egg Competition was run again and winners were Linda Campbell and Rosemary Pallister. ln August students also competed in the annual Goethe Verse-Speaking Contest. October will also see a visit to the annual Oktoberfest held at Thornlands. Semester II also saw the b"ginning of regular visits by some Cerman native speakers to some senior classes, in which topics of current importance are discussed. ln all much has happened in Cerman this year but it is important to have maximum participation if these activities are to continue.


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