1984 School Magazine





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Congratulations to the girls who gained the most points f or their age grou p and received medals f or their eff orts. The next event on the agenda was the lnterhouse Gymnastics Competition. All gymnasts performed well and lwould especially Iike to thank our two rhythmic girls for producing a magnificent effort after arriving straight back from the State titles. The Artistic competition was a little more successf ul- Lilley gaining second place, after a sterling eff ort. Thanks must go to Sue Bruce (sports captain) who put in a great effort in organizing all sporting events, Nicole Hodsdon (vice-captain), Mrs. Thornquist, and all Form Seniors Nicole Hodsdon, Liz WohB, Sue Sinnamon and Leigh Cow. Good luck in the coming years and I sincerely hope the Year Elevens are successful in 1985 lnterhouse events. Sand ra Owens

The lnter House Athletics proved to be a tremendous success. After winning almost all the ball games competitions Lilley deservedly collected the ball games cup. We blitzed the relays winning most of the cups on the d.y. The enth usiasm of the house was d isplayed in the new cheer squad uniforms psychedelic green skirts and in the magnificent cheering on the duy. Congratulations to the 168 and 178 relay teams who set a new record. Thanks go to the Year'l'l who made a Lily banner and to all in the house who competed on the d uy.


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