1984 School Magazine
GRIFFITH HOUSE REPORT _ 1984 House Colour - red. House Mistress - Mrs. Sanderson. House Group Teachers - \2115. Siddle/Mrs. Fairlie (B), Miss Stevens (9), Mrs. Colwill (10), Mrs. Sharma & Mrs. Keys (l I). House Captain and Vice Sarah Stafford and Susan Leggett. Spoits Captain and Vice Kelly Baisden and Jane Kaesehagen. House G.oup Seniors Naomi Kikkawa (B), Lyndal Backstrom (9), Sally Wilson (10), Susan Warren (11). Criffith House started the year with plenty of enthusi- asm, a Strong determination to win the interhouse com- petitions, ana a natural friendly tpirit shared among all the girls. Our first project for the year was to claim a new identity and become 'The Red Devils'. Catherine Elms and Jane Kaesehagen designed our devil mascot and with the help of the Mr. Warren, W€ were able to have our new image printed on T-shirts for all to see. On 20 February at the Valley pool, we swam in the interhouse carnival and came a strong third position. Thanks to all the girls who participated and to those who supported the s*immers, singing war cries in the Grand St;;d. Griffith had a successful ice cup stall on the day and showed off our very own'cute'Gr. B red devil mascot, Katrina Finn. We also had a strong encouraging cheer squad decked out in daring red tutus and wearing the new house t-shirts. We all had a fun and enjoyable day (away from school!) and wish next year's swimming team all the best of luck. One of the highlights of the year was the Griffith House barbecue o n{ZApril. The main activity occu rred arou nd dinner time when it was'every man for himself'to eat the most Silvio's Pizza, garlic bread, ?hd salad that was ordered and demolish all the yummy homemade cakes and desserts. We also played the 'chocolate game', 'Knights, Mounts and Cavaliers', sang war cries, danced and saw the f ilm 'Flying High ll'. Obviously everyone had a great time Setting to know everyone else in the hour" ind than ks to all the teachers who put u p with us, joined in the f un and made the afternoon the success that it was. Other interhouse competitions have included the cross countr!, where we won the Gr. B section thanks to the stamina of Pam McDonagh; and also the rhythmic and artistic gymnastics. ln the Rhythmic Gym we came first in the hodp and ribbon routines thanks to Kelly Baisden, Nicole Schoutrop and Diane Wilson. Our thrill of the year though, was when we won the Choral competition singing McCartney's'Ebony and lvo ry' . Our win was made possible with the palience of our conductors, Naomi Kikkawa and Sally Wilson, the pianist Lyndal Backstrom and Susan Warren and Alison Storie who played percussion. Still to come is the athletics o n 12 September where we will try our hardest and once again show off our high house spirit. For the rest of the year we will also continue f undraiiing which has so far consisted of raff lins hand made necklaces, a chocolate basket and holding cake stalls.
This year has been one of hard work and success for everyone in Griff ith house, especially the Cr. 12's who have always been ready to organise all the activities. Thank you to our house mistress, Mrs. Sanderson, who always"offered her support and time throughout the year" fhanks also to Sue who was there when lwasn't and to Kelly our Sports Captain for encouraging and organising the sports events. The rest of the house thanks their house seniors who spent every morning and afternoon roll call with their airuerent giades. Good luck to allthe Gr. 11's leading the house neit year and no doubt CRIFFITH willcontinue to be the BEST HOUSE with the f riendliest spirit. KEEP lT U P GRIFFITH HOUSE! Sarah Stafford (House Captain)
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