1984 School Magazine
ls it a beach bal I ? ls it an oversized orange? NO!!, lt's SUPER RABBIT in his orange bloomers 'bounding ahead'with his usual style and class. Well, with the addition of some new and wonderful Year Eight H irschf eld ians to the ran ks of the already present 'fantastic and talented' members of the'happy house of Hirschfeld', we began our year with a house B-B-Q where girls and teachers were able to participate in a most fascinating attempt at the Chocolate Gam€, ? very fattening Mintie Hunt, a game of Olympic Standard Volleyball, and a game of Test Cricket. To complement the ever popular'Bounding Ahead'T- Shirts, some very groovy Year Twelve girls organized the addition of orange socks, shoe laces, sun glasses, and bloomers to the Hirschfeld lmage. Thus wL ;. e ready for the coming lnterhouse swimming. ln this, we secured a magnificent win, and the day was hishlighted by. really great house spirit which was to be ref lected in other such interhouse competitions throughout the coming year. The interhouse Gymnastics in which our gymnasts performed admirably, was followed by a very colourf ul performance in the interhouse Chorale Cornpetition despite the fact that we were asked by many to 'LET lT BE'. Hirschfeld achieved second place in the interhouse cross country. The year has been as bright and cheerful as the colour orange.Thanks must go to the other houses for their competition, and spirit which is what has made house activities so much fun. On behalf of all the older 'ORANGE RABBITS' we'd like to wish Hirschfeld House continued success in the future. Chris Farmer Kim McDonald
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