1984 School Magazine

An attempt at a house Report . .

Activities u ndertaken with style, success, f inesse and the typical Cibson House Spirit in 1984. Grape crushing - to make the spirit with which we fill our house N.B. Do not take this literally as our resou rces ran low on how to start an inf ormative sentence with a 'C'. lnterhouse Swimming as usual was a great success f or Gibson House, and was spurred on by a loud and effective cheer squad. Commendation must go to the whole house, specifically Karen Blue and Nadine Gerrard, who both gained special recogn ition f or Cibson winning individual awards, Caroline Turnour who showed extra enthusiasm continually chanting the war cry "l can feel a Victory coming on"; and Mr. Warden for his skilled and gracef ul swim across the pool, d raped in glittering pu rple tights, psychedelic green tutu, and Arabian head dress. The true nature of our success, however, was not shown in our overall placing of Third. Barbecues and House Meetings kept the spirit of the house alive. At the house B-B-Q (held on the 3/4/84) most house members acquired a taste for certain Gibson house gourmet delicacies i.e. purple pasta, boysenberry icecreaffi, Brape juice (non-alcoholic), purple wrapped violet crumbles, muscat grap€s, the overall result being a motivated house looking a little bit more purple than usual. ln house meetihBS, we attend to the administrative side of house life, discussing the progression of fund raising for'Save the Children Fund', interhouse sports trials, and f urther development of House Spirit. Singing songs (i.e. Choir Competition) was another of the events successfully undertaken by Gibson this year. Excellence was achieved in all aspects through the diligent work of not only the whole choir, but also through the effort and skill of Jenny Blackford, their cond uctress. U nf ortu nately J"n ny was u nable to appear on the duy, her place being gallantly filled by Nicole Cody who led the choir to its near victory, coming a close second to Criffith House. Thanks must go to Penny Good€, Whose talented tinkling on the black and whites ensured our success, ?nd to the Seniors whose superior co-ordination added to the performance in more ways than one. Our other great success included third place in the lnterhouse Ath letics. Nearly all year, Cibson House was involved in competitions including artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics (in which we came second due to the magnificent effort of all the participants), lndoor Hockey, Watergames and Volleyball, and the house showed its skill and enthusiasm in all those areas Finally on behalf of Grad el2Gibson'1984, w€ would Iike to wish Gibson House'Good Luck'for 1985 and all the years following, and remember, fellow Cibsonites: Cibson House forever reigns!

GIBSON HOUSE REPORT 1984 Start: Gibson House had - (a) a very enterprising year (no relation to'Star Trek'). (b) an interesting and eventful year. (c) an experience they'll never f orget. (d) all of the above. Ans: D The House was ably led by Cibson House Mistress/Maste r - (a) Bazza (b) Mr. Warden (c) Basketball Coach (d) Musicman (e) All of the above. Ans: E

Annabel Somerville (House Captain) Vicki Powell (House Sports Captain) Kylie Yule (House Vice-Captain) Nadine Gerrard (House Vice-sports Captain)


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