1984 School Magazine

DEBATING REPORT Debating in 1984 has, as usual, seen Grammar in the middle "f a hectic, but nevertheless, successful sche- dule. Under the guidance of Mrs. Sandersoh, without whom nothing *ould have been possible, ?s well as the assistance given by Mr. Dale, Mrs. nlggs and Miss Bur- rows, Gra'irn.t attained exceptionally hish standards, with a good time being had by all. After initial audition- ing at tf,e beginning olthe year we entered teams in the a;eensland Debaiing U nion (QDU) Rounds, Apex Rounds and the successful social debating competition- Circuit Debating. Teams were drawn f rom years eight to twelve f or all th ree com petitions, and there was an inf lux of talented year eight debaters who proved to be an invaluable asset, especially in Circuit Debating. Once again there was an enjoyable Debat!nS !utmer School uia Workshop on the 7-Bth of April at th9 Bardon Pro- f essional Centre. This was f ollowed by trials and training f or State Debating TearnS, and although our gif ls did not achieve selection in final teams we still benefited immensely f rom the coaching sessions. Friends made during debating were seen once more at the Circuit Debat]ng Dinner, held annuallY,?nd orga.nised by B.B.C. Thanksrnust go to all schools hosting debates this year. Because rheyire held at night they are always diff icult to orga nize, and this year euerything has run extremely sm"oothly. Special thanks must 8o to palgnts who attend and make up audience numbers, as well as all adju_dica- tors who have assisted at Grammar. As usual, Mrs. Gunn did an outstanding job at providing supPerr ?nd. all Crammar debaterslre indebted to her. I would also like to thank Maria N., Susah W., Sue L., Prue W., Ann H., Lindy, lmani and Cathy for their continl'_ed. syPpo_rt and enthusiasm in every sif uation. (Another Rah ! f or Board- ers' Dinners whicl'r give debaters stamina to meet the second bell, ?s well as giving pre-debate atmosphere.) lf 1gB4is anything to go by 1985 should see Grammar victorious . Good luck. Nicole Cody (Debating Captain)


QUOTA /IAYCEE'S REPORT Th is year in f irst semester I was chosen to represent B.G.G.S. in both QUOTA's((Student of the Year Compe- tition" and JAYCEE's "Youth Speaks for Australia". Emphasis in these competitions is on leadership capabilities, scholastic achievement, public speaking and Communication, Sport and community service. Basi- cally QUOTA and JAYCEE's search for a model student, excelling in all areas, who can be seen as an example to others. Standard of competition is fierce, but not with- standing there is still an atmosphere of fun and enjoyment. Students competing often have the familiar faces of interschool rivalries at sport or debatiDE, and so there is also the opportunity to make or renew f riendships, lot to mention the fantastic suppers served at every level of competition. Unfortunately I did not f ulf il either associ- ation's idea of a Utopian student, coming second in the Regionals in both events. My only rgg.ret is that no-one infSrmed me sooner that the model they were looking for was not an attractive type of scholar who is handed f lowers while walking through the Mall on Friday after- noons, but rather i leader for the student body of Australia. I would like to encourage more girls to enter these competitions, and I only hope they get a: much out of them as I did. They certainly are an experience! Nicole Cody

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