1984 School Magazine
pu rhl an( rol qu THE MICROCOMPUTER CLUB ter trne dM our ire rt l rl, to iu b itl tu UP. ,u rh, r( t sr. 'it tinues helpf u I The clu luters w : 11€?f f U )nI reJ S. np he ro1 h is rlTl r )Ct er tl a nci ocol in t ub rdt Fr cr( re ]u tn( ri Oft cl ) ur lr. m mo n ]CJ l C( CO m hr or ul NS i0, )a CO l 3nt .8 oi O t ryl her S-B ;t rc a\ r I S ic ;di 3p I'R )et ITI lt res( Ste ,,7 op ly, h r tn
meet on r€r'Vision of I SCS SCVC N, disk drives e.
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The Grade Eight girls, in particular, utilize the club's facilities and are, at present, enjoying the challenge of writing graphics programmes which will draw pictures on the screen. The girls are looking forward to animating the pictures soon. We hope that 1985 will be as successful for the microcomputer club as this year has been. Linda Campbell Crade BF
rithout the quotetion marks your computer ia eimply speechlese.
The Mathematics Department has shared considerably in the greater involvement with computers. in educatiorr at B.C.C.S. this year. Thanks to the Parents'and Friends' Association, the micro-computer system was upgraded to a total of B independent computers with disk drives, 64k of user memory and the existing capabilities of colou!'graphics and sounds .2printers are now available for student use, and the advantages of microcomputers in their user-friendliness have meant a significant increase in student usage. A considerable quantity of software has been acqui.red. This includes word processors, a spread-sheet, data- bases, graphics utilities which produce graphs or exp!oit the elJctronic drawing board and artistic facilities, the LOGO language, several other educational utility prograffis, some instructional or tutorial programs in M.thematics, Science, Geography and languages, and of course computer games.
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