1984 School Magazine
Juyrc i Rt4\rrt4rvtlc GY* . ieytfi * tncrng Ctq sse s rD 6rls' Arl haw .-l1,trtg * Ot) 6rrls . Regvlr on I August'.6vade9 cowrP begtvt s Ota 6tr [s' Ar{ 5\ oreton ls\qnd rp beg,hE - ota 6rlsl Arh Shou.l , llarct4 - pr(f) .1H,r*t \ ueel .N,{uS4ravq June - Arlrstrc 6vvu. AqgvtsF - Jop aqestl we [_ , ^ J vL>r \, LrP qn €5c t, (oryrr . AsSewrblv !"plevnber ^ old 6rr l'; '2 r r ReUnlor/,1 .tooer _.laE caw_ MaV- Mr , trr Augurb - 8\ n[cAqrvtnQ i'o .4t )oVnts L t4orefoh ls tqnd lrp relurnq ,rode t h^p r,'Js 'ront Conccr t Juyre - vvtuslc cavttl ) al Alexa n&a HeqDlanbq. - Hedth 4 PE Cawp errDs Ju vle- yrlusll ui^V star+s, Jul\/ - NZ toqr V enOs. March - d.6999A 5Wlq,tyv{rn o 15 . CAr v(rval -'' Apirl* Ptarvt ttoihes Day June - wlulrc cawp . 5eplevnVer - lnte rhouSe rnlu chovr S"ruicd {or hew prcFects rvrlshouse , clnoral covtnpehh t,\qrCh - WaterFolo grqLa fraal *tta\ehbs carvt tvo, I (Yarrst )-r -\o{+batl 3^d frvral a!-'westgl). ' Shry' slarls ull/- tob ^J June - Bp ftr trttcr -4twet? hotthVs,'/ May - 'r Wcstsrle Story tr - Jeln T(unltq co^npetthb, ?+ May- c\ottvag trtglat . ' 'W((t s de 6\ovy' 6vs Bqlloa n^ )anvary -H1!Ji,, cq\P 5?'b :ebvuory-Y,t'fff,l".a; debar ts Ju\y -r.rnfffif;"t \.(b'rng ouf .{}^! Vary Febr,rc, ry - Lloqt s" fcuttn. of tke Jear t'. - Wg{etptolr,P Irroy - Javr LVg ctqrses . FeJofuary -*gte,rdd 1',P lvlav - NZ fashrin , ' Pavade r OctoHr - Mugtc Re utill 9et J)
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