1984 School Magazine
As an alternative to School Day, a magnif icent Gala Day was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs" Holrnes. To add to the excitement the Prefects conducted an lron Maiden event which we hope was enjoyed by both participants and spectators. This yelr cirls'Grammar students have once again shown their outstanding ability in the academic, ariistic and. sporting.areas, while also demonstrating the enthusiasm and competitive spirit that we have.orne to expect. Every girl has the right to be proud of her achievements and every member of this school has the right to look forward to continuing success. we would like to thank the school for its support and in particular the Yea r 12 Girls who have worked together lot gnly to maintain the characteristic high standards but also to create an atmosphere of unity ana rriendship which will be remembered by ,s forever. The year has been fun, the year has been exciting, the year has been u nforgettable and the year has been a challenge but most of all the year has been . um... interesting!
What have we got to do? Chris: The Head Cirls' Report. Ann: What am I s'posed to say? chris: I don't know, but you'd better think of something 'cos it's due in tomorrow. Ann: Surely you can't be serious! Chris: I am serious and don't call me Shirleyl I know. Why cjon't you write it and I'll just sign it. An n : Cet lost ! Chris: Creat, does that mean I don't have to write itl But seriously now! When we sat down to write this leport we had nothing and yet everything to say. 1gB4 has been such an incredible yearthat it's hard to put itall into words. 1984 was the year of the CCFFEE SHOP (groan), the lron Maiden and not to mention those wonderf ul PREFECT SKITS. One of the major problems encou ntered by the Prefects was (da na na na) MALL STANDINGII The answer of course was the greatest and most stimulating social event of the yea r - The Coff ee Shop. Wh ile not a major success, it was an experiment which provided a temporary solution to the dilemma and an . um... interesting experience for those who attended.
(P.S. and thorough ly exhausting I )
Love, Ann & Chris
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