1984 School Magazine

n'rceds frcrn the

Be fitt"d utith a ferf ect f oundati on g&rment bY Madam Marie Hume 14 BRISBANE ARCADE BRISBANE

R00s yyr6E Ie?4

Sp.cialising Com- fort"ble Re,J,r"ittd Corsets tnade to Your "::"1:*surc- B"lts {rorn 6 /IL. Co.sets frorrt lL/6 to 84 /-. B.assiers fto* 2/lI to 15/6. S.rrd fo. S"l{-Measurement Fot*s' T4 BRISBANE ARCADE

MEDICAL ADVICT F'OR THE INTtrLLECT. ii If your patient is suffering frgm mental indigestion, the on]l cure is a stifi dose of Latin tr"^nslation (preferably Vergi.l). night and morning. As this is a very easy mixture to take, ancl has no i;ilutu effecrs on the sanity of the patient, I beg that the dose bc administered as so,on as th. illness is discovered. I t is imporlant that at least the fr-rll close be given. It cioes not matter if the dosc is made larger. On the other 5a1,-1, to ensure flexibility and to banish stiff- ness of the mincl (which frequently sets in about exam. time) a.n hour claily oi phl,sical jerks wifn trigoncmetrical formulae is guirunteei to improve ^'-incl ancl to make it capable not on-l-v of thinking straight,but of thinking in every direction of the compass. As for the brain which has a perpetr-rally empty feeling (also at exam. time) I recommencl ^ good hot bath of l\{odern History, the temperature of which shor,rld correspond to the Rer,'olution ^rY period. Then, referring to the feverish brain (the night !.fglg exams.), the best kiown remedy to date is an ice pack of solid geometry, to be appliecl for not less than tu'o and a half hourr.'The beneficial effect of this application is universally a cknowledged. There is an ancient proverb " Laugh ancl gro\\I fat." As this paragraph is written for the very f9* ob" wish to qrow fat, it should be of interest only to them; but the remedy for fat is St) easy to take that perhaps I may be able to d9 lway with the "slimming" craze. The sparkling wit, anci the bubbling merriment of Breasted's "Ancient Times" will solve all problems. Yotr must be very careful not to take this in big doses, or else, your sides split with laughter. ,' PI P." V. IIIb. Thirty-four happy girls found on their first day at school that there were seven Joans, five Bettys and four Marjories included in their form IIIb.

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$'ll*,,ii Drill.


o'er the mightl'Brisbane Rivet" Near the s,inding River Brisbarle, \\rhere the birds all c1a5' r'ith singiug Raise their praise to theil Creator, Catne I to the school of GrallllTlar 'llo the fantous school called Gr"atillllal'. There I met mlr northeru sistet's In the busl-, chalky classt'oollls; All the historv of Englaud, X'Iathentatics the tnost rrodel'll' Langttages of nloclern countries, .Art aucl Science, too, thel' taught 111e l n the classrootrl s-all t hese sub jects' il''oo}< Itle to the field of net-llall, 'l'etught me hol' to lllay at uet-ball, Said, "You see! the gotrl is thttsu'ise, YOu nrust thr'o$' the lrall just thuswi-ce !" I,tan1', nlern)- were the lessons 'l'lrat the)' ttrught l1)e o11 the sportsfielcl' Long' and ha1lpl' were lll)' school ]/ears, \\-ere I1t]- school ]'ears now just ovel'. Long', l'et hidclen, lie before me ,\ll the t1a)'s of life before me' ;\trtl I thank n]l- teirchers, schooltnates. l-or the splendid titrre thel' gave lrle. And $'het'e e'er oll calth I tt'ander, l:lr''tr n'heu shadol's t'otttld me gather, t shrrll love lll\r oltl school Glallllltar' IJver' love nll- A lrllrr lftrter. " CLAIRE ANNII.

G""t Th-wing. - School Sports. 1934'

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