1984 School Magazine





Enter the clown. The immortal possessio n ot' the circus. SubTec ted nightly to the ridicule of the crowd ond through continuously repetitiue dealings, brings such crowds the utmost pleasure. Oh yes! A happy-go-lucky comedian by trade, his endurance a miracle, but fo his innermosf heart q discontent? sourfractured human. The f act make'up can't conceal" Nof lust a lunatically happy fool whose idiocy is pure and who is uoid of any emotion but the f ake one that extends fo the point of hilariousness. No, a humon - trapped, bsrricaded, chqined to the trauelling sho w to prouide emusement to eueryone else at the cost of his ou.,n hfe supply of natural merriment" Depart o wise, knowledgeable clown.

I cry for the empty faces that know not tears. for the stupidity of steel thot chills my fingers. f or the losf child who does not know of gingerbread houses but the wicked witch comes neor. f or the blind men that lisfens to the grinding, the screaming and cannat hide. for a gull which flew too close to the sun . another lcarus fo scorn, for onother day to liue and remember for my brother who had a coat of many colours. for o much needed work thqt I cannot find. for the spostic mentality, the cruelty, the heqt of day ond the cold of nisht the plostic, synthetic, thin and hollow, a skeleton, a fleshy paper bag. I scream t'or the poem that cannot be finished by Joanna

Jenny Leggett 9 Griffith


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