1984 School Magazine


I haue no heart for the proceedings the push and shoue the scramble f or supremocy; I haue no heart it wos su,repf away on the back of despite and I barely haue sou/ enough to yearn.

I haue desire and ambition but both are nullified by o sens e of futility despoir wreaks ueng exnce where l, in fimes gone past, glue no entry, but sfood t'irm, solid, strong, unbreakable. But now I am broken: I see dusf f all where once uos ambition and desire changes ifs course /ik' a dammed riuer. I see no purpose in the stalwart study for where is loue between printed words, snd where friendshrp of chalk and chalkdust? I haue seen blackboards f all crash onto a hollow floor and felt no pain. Pain I only f eel when flesh comes on my path ond with flesh, the unouoidable 'relationship' here I lay my desire and ambition and t'rom here comes my desPair t'or relationships ore intangible: while lor.us and equations stand, friendshrp s uff ers chonges and loue mutes to darker colours, t'ades to black with the onset of night. Where from comes daylisht? Only my heort can awaken the sun but tr hold myself and think: before, all was dark, when lifeless clinical earth was all At leqst now I see the sun snd the stars But burning behind is on insisfe nt hammer beating time /f is not ended and you yourself will f all into obliuion, futile child, unless you make room and accept both Seol my doom: forged armour welds on my head my eyes lre blinkered without a sharing of ambition my life will end here stopped on the dusty highway

c. ELt'45


Run! They run with the wind, on the wind;

With the wind all around them. And their foils out behind them. They rl)n from the Lion's rolr behind them. He leaps fo reach them, Bringing foam on their bocks. But when he catches up, he flees with them. Away from the gun shof theY run, With wildness ond freedom singing in their eors. They run with the wind, on the wind; And its crack flin1s them to the ground, With pounding hearts and flyins mones; They fall to the waiting sond. And in the silence that follows, AII that can be heard is the rustling of the Bird's u,,ings os if st oops dor,rln ouer the bodies; In and out - and the bodies of the wQues, Flung upon the shore, Haue gone bock to the seo; to their home And all bows dott,n to Nofure's Call. With the wind all around them. But finally the gun shof comes; They con neuer escape it.

Heidi Webster 8D

Suson Warren


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