1984 School Magazine
v ix)
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In Contemplation of Wordsworth's Worthy Words on the Affinity of Youth with Nature: 'For neuer will come back the hour Of splendour in the gross, Of slory in the flower.' An emotion unfolds inside Like the bloom of rose on o summer's day, Neu,r, fresh and uital. Grodually each delicote petol of suppressed memory Indiuiduolly unfolds and reueals itself . Slon,ly, slowly until - Bursting with energy and life A f eeling of ecsfos y beyond words; The totality of the new flower. Hauing budded ond bioomed though This rose, and men, hauing enjoyed ifs finest hour Wilts under the weight of its own noture. Neuer agoin will it appreciate those first b/ooms of hope and promise, So nou,, it dies Slon,/y, slowly until - Fertilization of ouum in fruit A feeling of achieuement beyond works: The completion of the new seed. A new flower. Sarqh Stafford Gr. 12
Dear Seral, My Australian dream went quite well, high above its normal standards. lntestines like a sailor's knot, I slept most of this da y. The bright light high in the sky is like the colour of twins' hair. from NtE
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