1983 School Magazine
A N,TfuIERTCK i'itere wc.' di yawng man fram Mackay, Wko always sltilt soup an his tie, ft wowld not came out, When washing it out, So he just ate sslad and rye. Yicky Moore 8F
Mum's still up Watching the late, late show. The noise of other people's dreams Blaring from the screen
Clutches qt and Shqkes my brain.
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I connot sleep. The TV stops, Newsreader suddenly
A,tmospheric pressure, there is none, Swn shining, nosi pink, Skiing down a mountain. Weight on one foot, then the other, I twist, turn, weave the slope, h{E tlte single thread - EXFTILARATIwG. ,4 beawtiful day in a fantostic world" {'m totally olive. All are having fun, too busy - To talk of work back home. Atmospheric pressure - there is none. Sussn Mirls
Suspended between two words. Perhaps, with the first birds ['ll switch him on And he'll finish that story Aboul some lranian bomb. Floor boards creqk As Mum moves to the kitchen And loads the dishwasher. A plote smashes ,4 harsh word slashes Through the sleep-eyed house. She plugs it in And the swish-swish
Of the mechanical tide Lullqbies my tired mind.
"But where are the steel fish?" I wonder in that nothingness. More footsteps. The bed sighs, As if the world weighed down its springs" ,4s Mum lies down. I hear a car Headlights like piercing eyes Shining on the wall. The metal dragon With crunching jsws Roars up the hill And is gone - To ravage another's slumber. I cannot sleep. The dishwasher is still The wind rolls over on its pillow And sways the willow 'Neath my window Mum's regular breath Filters up the stoir. The dog yelps In some canine nightmare.
Everyone is asleep. Everyone but me. Yicke Buckbach 8I{
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