1983 School Magazine

BETTY WOOLCOCK CT{ALLENGE PRIZB, 19E2 APHELIA In your cocoon I am warm and unaware No pain No knowledge. Slowly simply senses tingle


Swift things are beautiful, The brumby runs free in the rain, F{is legs powerful but fine, And flowing, windswept tail and mane, The great horse races, untimed. Slow things are beautiful, The old draft horse pulls with strength at his cart, Yet he is gentle in his power anci might, But the strain grows great on his brave old heart, Ilis chest strains forward, the traces pull tight. Ijlizabeth Davies 94 English

Urging action to limbs unused Limbs unused to violent action. Cocooned Enclosed Softly Innocent Strength is now master Hesitant I leave Testing wings unused Tingling senses whisper of the new I soar towards triumphant freedom - I know. My cocoon Envelopes you with protection I feed you with a shared smile Within my warmth you slumber And as I feel your stirrings I am afraid. Your essence is my need Bereft I am a dry husk Tossed in every current. Stirrings strengthen to struggles So too grows my weakness Strength too strong, I let the cracks appear and grow Feeling them as I remember others I know this time. It is the jarring pain And a gentle whisper as I fall from you. I do not fear the winds I fear only The desire of the moth for the star. Meredith Garlick


Scruffy, scrawny scavenger, Despised by man and beast, Horrid, howling hyena,

On the prey of other animals You have your stolen feast. Wretched, revolting rival Of God's creatures great and small, Vicious, vile, vulpine, Ugly devourer of carrion F{eld in contempt by all. But you too, are one of God's creatures, You too have a job to perform.

You may not be blessed with beauty, You may be looked on with scorn. Despair not, hated hyena, God's love extends over all. Kathryn Myers 8C


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