1983 School Magazine

BOARDERS' R.EPOR.T Another year has ended once again! Within these twelve months we have experienced, there were many changes. This year we decided to have a Boarding House Prefect allocated to each grade: Jane Kruger Grade 8 Jasmine Skoric and Teresa Mulder Grade 9 " Charlotte Johnston and Karen Taylor Grade 10 Frances Counsell Grade l1 We took off in '83 with a "GET TO KNOW EVERYONE" by having a Boarders' picnic the first weekend back, What fun it wasl It was a bit of a disappointment for some as we all had to stay in for three weeks. But we made up for it the following weekend. It seemed that everyone got to know each other quite happily and all went well. We started the year by having a dance with the men next door and consequently returning them the favour of inviting them to our dance. We also invited B.B.C. Boarders to a dance with the theme of the "Roaring Twenties". This was quite successful even though some of us were embarrassed!! The B.G.G.S. Boarding House has, made a new record with the Fire Department this year. Believe it or not, we have only had ONE fire alarm, this being a real one, but nothing serious for us to be evacuated! However, spectators did seem to enjoy watching a pack of defenceless screaming girls in their nighties! ! T'his year we welcomed Miss Newton; our new Boarding House Mistress, who replaced Mrs. Pritchard. Miss Morrison is back with us once again, except now she is only working on the weekends. She just couldn't leave us! Our kitchen Chef, Paul, has left us this year treaving behind some reminders of the past two years he has been here. (Certainly NOT the doughnut maker). New staff have joined us. Bob our new Chef, Margaret and Marjorie our new kitchen hands, and Lyn who is still here living it through, this now being her fifth year. I'm sure most of the girls appreciate the food much more this year. Thanks rnust go to Mr. Lewis and Ms. R.ant, who have worked diligently with the Junior Prep and tsoarding F{ouse activities. It has been an enjoyable and very worthwhile year. Grade l2's are looking forward to meeting the big outside world, although it is to be sure that we are sad to leave. Anyway good luck to ALL of you in the future and we hope the Grade ll's do a great job of taking over the responsibilites associated with Grade 12.I'm sure they will be successful. Eest of luck for 1984. Jasmine Skoric


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