1983 School Magazine

N,NN,g,EV FilO{JSE REPOR.T What is this strange little monster crawling all over the tr-illey House members T-shirts, I hear you ask? Well, this year Lilley decided to change its motto "When the going gets tough, the tough get going". The change was the first step in our plan to make the other Flouses aware that we knew what eompetition was. Dernonstrating our enthusiasm, we came second (by I point) to England House at the Interhouse Swimming Carnival and true to the name of good sports we took out the 138 Year Age Championship - Sasha Chenoworth; 14 years - Julie Horgan; not to be forgotten, Sheriden Seriven took out the open 50m Freestyle Chamionship in a reeord time, all were fine performances, Back to the scholastic side of competitions. We were well represented by Sue Lynch; Lyndsay Fry and Therese Mclauchlan (Captain) in the Interhouse Debating Cornpetitions - they proved to be a very popular cornbination, success and audience wise, Unfortunately our Choir was not as successful, although we rnanaged to sing "Aquarius" without any accompaniment and Fiona N4cArthur did do an unreal job conducting and organising our representation. We just didn't quite get it together. Again, however, our true consistent high level of sporting ability proved itself on the Interhouse Athletics Day - well represented, especially by Tracey Armstrong in the l3B Years, a strong contingent of year lO's espeeially Dimity Winders who took out the 15 years individual, Sue Batstone and the Grade l2's own Sue Cormie. We Legionaires trooped to a well-placed second i-.ehind Woolcock. Fun has been had by all within Lilley House this year and its been good to see everyone mixing well together. Despite our change of F{ouse Mistress halfway through the year we managed quite well and lid like to thank both Mrs. Thornquist and especially Mrs. Bradley, whose support and belief carried the House (and me) through the year. On School Day, despite the disappearance of a direct Lilley F{ouse stall, the Grade 11's held a very successful Advance Australia balloons and stickers stall. It was a very impressive stall run by an equally impressive group of future l-illey leaders. Overall I'd like to thank EVERYONE in tr-illey House for the brilliant way you've performed this year. Although I've singled out some girls, they are just the more apparent branehes of Lilley's thick trunk. Good luck in the coming years, and remernber, Green is really beautiful. N4egan .Ienner


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