1983 School Magazine

Besides this invaluable survival-kit of information, n have learni a tremendous amount about myself, and about others, including teachers, who change drarnatically in the Senior years, and reveal themselves as human beings after all. My ruminations bring me to the conclusion that although all things change continuously, this cycle is something to be treasured, not ignored in the hope that it will go away. .After all, things can only get better! Claire Wrighton

,As n think baek over {ny years at Gral.nmar, n realise that aitleough they have given nae the opportunity to learn, my forrnal edueation has conaprised oiely part of ttais learning experienee. Anthougtl I now know a huge and useless amount of l-atin Granuaar ("amo, atrnas, atrnat, amamus' arnatis, affIant ."), and that Roebuek is a girl's best friend, n have gained rnueh rnore than inerc facts and figures. My edueation hras also taught n'le how to get rny lunch without having to queue for it, how to get an e;

Editor: Claire Wrighton; Assistant O'Carroll; Photographers: Deborah Member: Megan Jenner.

Editor: Libby Lynch, Deirdre Mahoney, Alison Maskill and Jane Paterson; Graphics Editor: Sally Munday, Felicity Cribb and Wendy Keyes; Assisting Teacher: Mrs. Colwill; A,ssociate Committee

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