1983 School Magazine
GR{F''F T'E{ HOKJSE REPC}RT Griffith F{ouse this year has maintained an all round "SOnJldD" standard (R.OStsA's finally cracking us up!) in all Interhouse events. We eame third in the nnterhouse Swimming, second in the Interhouse Choral Competition - thank y6u to Megan Killiner our Choirmistress and Cathy Smith who accornpanied us. T'he athletics saw a very hot Griffith F{ouse achieve fourth position. Our Sports Captain Sally Stewart rcceived tlie award for the n7 years and over ,{ge Charnpion. The I{ouse Bar-E-Que, used to begin the l{ew year, was a friendly and enjoyable afternoon for those who came along. trt rvas evident as the year went along that our F{ouse spirit was present throughout and not just concentrated in one level. Good luck to next years' Grade tr2's who have already shown an enthusiastic start in generating good House spirit and loud voices. Anne Millar, Kathy R.utkin, Sally Stewart
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