1983 School Magazine
The .Iean Trundle Drama Competition was held, and our star-studded cast, under the direction of Miss Burrows met the challenge with the presentation of "Window Dressing". The play was magnificent and everybody concerned is to be congratulated on their effort.
Interschool gymnastics took place on a weekend and E.G.G.S. excelled in both Rhythmic and Artistic gym. Eiilets arrived from New Zealand to play hockey and an exeiting game ensued with the billets eventually claiming victory. Music camp and music tour were held in close succession and ensured that the music department was kept very busy, but the rewards for perserverance and hard work were great. The sports dinner for the first semester sports was an elegant affair and also very formal as the honour board was unveiled in the gym. Sports captains were also announced for third term sports. One of the most exciting things that happened this term was that tr took the plunge and got my ears pierced. Cathy then did so in term 3; copy cat! trn addition,Cathy and tr discovered that our formal dresses were made out of the same material.
Frefects closed term one with an inspiring skit extolling the virtues of using your holidays to clean your shoes. Naturally the school responded magnificently. Then term two, the term of the long weekends, began. One of the weekends was spent on Moreton Island, a trip that brought out the better sides of both staff and students.
First semester is also memorable because of the exciting Waterpolo finals held after hard fought semi-finals. Congratuiations are especially due to all those girls from the school who were selected to represent Queensland in the National Titles. The Interact Easter Party was a roaring success, and the children just didn't want to go home. Megan Jenner (in bunny suit) provided material for lunny stories for months.
Joking aside, first semester was absolutely filled with events which required and achieved full participation, support and encouragement, not to mention skill, to maintarn Grammar's reputation and for us to really "take off" as individuals, clubs and the school as a whole. Thanks to all involved: consider the year and especially Semester i good work-well done!
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