1983 School Magazine

E. M. Hastie - June 1983 (Life member) Firth Edmunds - May 1983 Helen Philip, M.B.E. - August 1983 (Life member) Miss Helen Philip, M.B.E. was one of our oldest members, aged92 on her death on llth August, 1983. The Old Girls' Association was saddened by this loss. She was a most gracious lady always anxious to help others and prepared to give of herself to many good causes and was always a loyal supporter of our assosciation. To the members of her family we extend our sincere sympathy. We regret the passing last year of Noel Mclntyre, a loyal member of the association. She was originally secretary of the Board of Trustees (B.G.G.S.) and then for many years also secretary of the Board of Trustees (B.G.S.). Since its inception she was secretary of the Centenary Building Fund. Miss Noel Mclntyre will be greatly missed in many ways. Miss Firth Edmunds who passed away earlier this year was an Old Girl of the School. With her musical colleagues she directed music at the School for 25 years and there developed Choral singing. For her many activities in musical circles, Firth will be missed and through her cheerfulness and enthusiasm, by an even wider circle, she will be remembered. NEWS AIma Hartshorn became a Member of the Order of Australia in the Australian Day Awards for her serviees in the field of Social Welfare. Miss Philip became a member of the British Ernpire in the Queen's New Year's Honours for her services to charity. Rhonda Felgate, one of the founders of the TN Theatre Company in 1936 has become a founder,/patron of the Company. Professor Dorothy Hill, a distinguished Queensland scientist was awarded the 1983 ANZAAS medai.

OLD GIRLS' ASSOCIATIOI{ REPORT This year opened as usual with the Welcome to New Members and Annual General Meeting held at the Gateway Inn. It was an enjoyable night but it is hoped more Old Girls will be able to support this function next year. The Gateway provided us with a sumptuous 3 course dinner for only $10.00. The following office bearers were elected: Mrs. .Jean Vallis (President), Mrs. Lyle Schwarten and Miss Barbara Lansbury (Vice-President), Mrs. Jenny Gray (Secretary), Mrs. Pam Knudsen (Assistant Secretary), Mrs. Paula McKeller (Treasurer), Miss Lorraine Chesters (Ass. Treasurer), Miss Lorraine Chesters (Past P.resident). Committee: Mrs. Sue Hastie, Miss Elizabeth Jameson, Mrs. Joan Noon, Mrs. Jacqueline O'Dean, Mrs. Olive Thacker, Miss Helen Todd, Miss Philippa Ward, Mrs. Nelma Wright. The newsletter was published in April and we are interested in obtaining more information which would be of interest in academic, career or personal achievements. !n November last year we held our Theatre Night at the Arts Theatre and enjoyed the production "Oliver". On the 15th April a gathering of about 80 attended the play "Arms and the Man" by George Bernard Shaw, also at the Arts Theatre. This was held earlier this year to avoid the Christmas Gatherings. A Chicken and Champagne supper followed the play. Most enjoyable. Our traditional reunion was held on Saturday the 4th June and once again was well-patronised. Please reserve this date in your calendar next year and come along and see all the changes in the school. After this year's reunion the School extended hospitality to those who stayed to attend and enjoy the Youth in Concert evening at the school. Our 12th Annual Art Show was held on the 9th, lOth and 1lth September. It was a most successful and enjoyable function. We were indeed honoured to have our very own Old Girl - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Member of the Queensland Planning and Finance Committee of the Schools Commission, Member of the Australian Statistics Advisory Council, Old Girls' delegate and Vice-President of the National Council of Women of Australia, Treasurer of the Queensland Art Council - Yvonne Bain, to open our show. Many thanks Yvonne. No further functions are planned for 1983 as the committee retires on its successful laurels. The Association would like to wish success to the girls leaving, with their coming exams and the careers they choose. We hope you will all join the Old Girls' Association and keep a bond with the school and its activities. Thank you, Mrs. Hancock, and all members of the school community for your help and support during the year.

OAITUARTES We regret the passing of our loyal members:

Isobel Dunlop - May 1981 Noel N{c{ntyre - March 1982


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