1983 School Magazine
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ART G.AN,N.ERY Eight brass cubes. One metre high, long, wide - And all alone in the lorge white room. The Sculpture Gallery. '4,re they sculpture? '"Untitled"'. What are they? tr lay an the black leather couch, Where" before I, many had sat, discussing the cubes. [n a straight line, leading nowhere in Farticular "0bviously symbolic. " I wss oblivious of the gallery guard's stares Losing myself in the question - why? The loud silence blares . . . Eight brass cubes in a white room Eight brass blocks in a hwge snow space Eight gold castles in a big white valley Eight chunks of honey Eight pieces of money My mind spins these thoughts Then STOFS The silence breaks I_see on the walls, the floor, the roof, Rippling gold webs of tight - refleitions of those brass surfaces It4any times eight -
Ferhaps. f muse, they are the arr, lhe other people think I'm srupid ! a lte on q couch like a small chitd Staring at eight brass cubes. -rusilne Atutting
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